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Corporate Citizenship Report 2011


Labor Practices and Decent Work Indicators

Agilent conducts its business with uncompromising integrity and promote human rights within the company's sphere of influence. Agilent's Labor and Employee policies and processes align with ISO Core subjects: Organizational Governance 6.2, Human rights 6.3 and Labor Practices 6.4  

Labor Practices and Decent Work Indicators


Agilent conducts its business with uncompromising integrity and promotes human rights within the company's sphere of influence. See Agilent's Human Rights and Labor Policy.

Agilent is positioned to become a leader in innovation, creativity, problem-solving and organizational flexibility. As a company, we must be able to address work/life balance challenges and leverage diverse perspectives, talents and teams to meet this global challenge. The work force demographics are changing in most countries and the competition to attract and retain top talent is increasing. Global competitiveness will not be achieved merely by designing, manufacturing, marketing and selling superior products. Agilent strives to develop and apply excellent global people skills around the world. 

We are in tune with the changing global economic marketplace and work to ensure that our policies and practices support our core beliefs and values, our guiding principles and our goals to make Agilent the best place to work for every employee. The company policies and practices support global diversity and inclusion and work/ life success. 

Agilent Culture

Agilent Diversity and Work/Life Balance

Agilent Employee Awards

Agilent recognizes ISO 26000 as a reference document that provides guidance on social responsibility. Agilent aligns with ISO 26000 standards as part of our social responsibility practices. As such, Agilent's Labor and Employee policies and processes align with ISO Core subjects: Organizational Governance 6.2, Human rights 6.3 and Labor Practices 6.4.

LA1 Total Workforce by Employment Type, Employment Contract, and Region broken down by gender. 

The total workforce broken down by employees, supervised workers, and gender. |

18909 total 67% male / 33% female

The total number of employees broken down by type of employment contract and gender. 

Employee Contact Type % of total workforce % Male/Female
Full-Time 98% 68%/32%
Part-Time 2% 26%/74%

The total workforce broken down by region and gender based on the scale of the organization's operations.

Region % of total workforce % Male/Female
Americas 38% 69%/31%
Asia Pacific 42% 63%/37%
Europe 20% 73%/27%

LA2 Total Number and Rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region 

Hiring top talent around the globe helps to ensure that Agilent maintains its leadership as the world's premier measurement company.

Total number of new employee hires entering employment during the reporting period broken down by gender. 

New Employee Hire by Gender Number
Male 1313
Female 690

Rate of new employee hires entering employment during the reporting period broken down by gender.

New Employee Hire by Gender % Male/Female
Male 65.55%
Female 34.45%

Total number and rate of new employee hires entering employment during the reporting period broken down by age group.

New Employee Hire by Gender Number % of Total
Under 30 years of age 980 49%
Between 30-50 years of age 862 43%
Greater than 50 years of age 161 8%

Total number and rate of new employee hires entering employment during the reporting period broken down by region.


Number % of Total
Asia Pacific 1129 56%
Europe 272 14%
America 602 30%

Total number of employees leaving employment during the reporting period broken down by gender.

Employee Turnover (Voluntary)  2011
Number 1166
Turnover Rate 6.04%
Male/Female 65%/35%

Rate of employees leaving employment during the reporting period broken down by gender.

Employee Turnover (voluntary) Gender

Number % of Total
Male 763 3.95%
Female 403 2.09%

Rate of employees leaving employment during the reporting period broken down by age group. 

Employment Turnover (Voluntary) Age Number % of Total
Under 30 years of age 359 1.86%
Between 30-50 years of age 610 3.16%
Greater than 50 years of age 197 1.02%

Total number of employees leaving employment during the reporting period broken down by region.

Employment Turnover (Voluntary) Region Number
Americas 299
Asia Pacific 707
Europe 160

LA3 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by major operations.

Agilent aims to deliver a rewards portfolio that is competitive with high technology and life science companies, representative of the diverse industries and markets within which Agilent operates.

Our rewards are offered to eligible employees and comply with local legal requirements.

Our Total Pay program includes base pay, variable pay, such as the Agilent Results Bonus and Individual Performance Bonus, and sales incentive compensation. Pay is differentiated based on company and individual performance.

Benefits such as health and welfare benefits, retirement plans and time off provide a foundation to support employee well-being and financial security.

Equity programs align employee and shareholder interests. Programs include an Employee Stock Purchase Plan and long-term incentives such as restricted stock units.

Our Recognition program is one of the tools available to acknowledge an employee's performance. It includes cash bonuses, cash-equivalent gifts and non-cash awards.

LA5 Minimum notice period(s) regarding significant operational changes, including whether it is specified it is specified in collective agreements

Agilent meets all applicable laws, regulations and standards where we do business. 

LA6 Percentage of Total workforce percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs

Health and Safety committees are an integral part of EHS processes at our sites and help drive continuous improvement in support of Agilent's ISO certifications and Environmental, Health and Safety Management System. 

LA7 Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related facilities by region and gender

In Agilent's Environmental Health and Safety function, we believe that people who feel good, do good. EHS programs are committed to creating safe work environments, providing training, and engaging our employees in health-promotion activities so that they can work injury- and illness-free.

Agilent EHS records and investigates work-related injuries and illnesses to identify root causes and apply appropriate corrective and preventive actions. Agilent's recordkeeping process aligns with the U.S. OSHA Injury/Illness Recordkeeping regulations and reports on Occupational Recordable (IR) and Lost Work Day Case (LWDCR) rates. Both metrics (IR and LWDCR) have remained relatively stable over the last five years and continue to benchmark favorably relative to Agilent competitors and industry leaders. 

Agilent Occupational (IR) Rate Globally 2011 - 0.52; Regionally AM -1.01; AP -0.10; EU 0.49. 

See Graph for Global IR rates

Agilent Occupational (LWDCR) Rate Globally 2011-0.14; Regionally AM-0.14; AP-0.06; EU 0.30. 

See graph for Global LWDCR rates.

There was one fatality resulting from a motor vehicle accident in FY2011 (male employee in Asia Pacific region).


LA8 Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases 

Agilent provides a number of programs and educational opportunities aimed at managing serious diseases and medical situations both personally and with family and community members. Agilent EHS standards maintain employee exposure levels for harmful agents in the workplace well below regulatory requirements. Agilent Workplace Services has both Emergency Action and Disaster Recovery Plans that address serious medical events or disease outbreaks (e.g., pandemic events). The Agilent Human Resources and Benefits organizations provide comprehensive health care plans to employee and family members to assist in managing their personal medical needs. These plans include counseling services and risk-based health coaching.

LA9 Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade union

As required at a country level, Health and Safety topics are included for discussion with local worker councils or trade unions.

LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee by gender and by employee category

To encourage learning occurring anywhere, anytime for our globally distributed workforce, we continue to make available self-paced e-learning 24 hours a day/seven days a week. In 2011, approximately 95% of employees took advantage of this capability. Some of the major development programs offered via self-paced e-learning are our beSecure series focusing on security and risk awareness; our Standards of Business Conduct, and Customer Entertainment & Travel series; our Environment, Safety and Compliance series; and our Product and Technology series for our customer-facing employees. 

LA11 Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings

Agilent understands that the collective skills of our employees are critical to our success. Toward that end, Agilent is deeply committed to providing an environment where employees can expand their knowledge, develop new skills, and contribute their best work.

Research has suggested that the most valuable development occurs when learning is applied on the job, solving real business problems. The following three approaches to employee development are used effectively at Agilent and are provided based on business need: 

  • Work Assignments: Challenging jobs, special assignments, project initiatives and job rotations.
  • Learning from Others: Coaching, mentoring, and networking with internal and external people with experience or expertise.
  • Training: Specific technical and business skill development provided internally by Agilent or externally by qualified educational institutions via a classroom, online, or self-study format.

LA12 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and carrier development reviews by gender

One hundred percent of Agilent employees receive regular performance reviews. 

LA13 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indications of diversity

The percentage of employees in the gender category (female/male). 

Employee Gender

% of Total
Male 67%
Female 33%

The percentage of employees by age group (under 30; 30-50; over 50).

All Employee by Age

% of Total
Under 30 Years of Age 15%
Between 30-50 years of Age 59%
Greater than 50 years of Age 26%

The percentage of individuals within the organization's governance bodies in the gender category (female/male).

Executive and Senior Management

% of Total
Male/Female 74%/26%
Under 30 Years of Age 0
Between 30-50 years of Age 41%
Greater than 50 years of Age 59%

LA14 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men by employee category, by significant locations of operation

The following data indicates the salary ratio of men to women by employee category. The ratios shown were calculated by determining the comparative ratio (comparatio) of men and women in each employee category and dividing the average compa-ratio for men by the average compa-ratio for women. Compa-ratio indicates an individual's pay position versus the mid-point of the pay range for their job. Using compa-ratio enables us to compare pay position across varying types of jobs and markets. Within Agilent, three major employee categories are Individual Contributor A (ICA; typically non-exempt), Individual Contributor B (ICB; typically exempt) and People Manager (PM). 

Employee Category

Ratio of average Compa-Ratio Men/Women
ICA 1.0
ICB 1.0
PM 1.0

LA15 Return to work and retention rates after paternal leave, by gender

Agilent offers parental leave benefits and provides a broad range of programs and activities to help employees manage commitments in their work and personal life. By offering programs that can be used to address a wide range of needs, Agilent hopes to provide employees with the flexibility and opportunity to select and use services and solutions that they prefer.

  • Flexible Work Arrangements: More than 15 percent of Agilent employees use alternatives to traditional Monday-through- Friday work arrangements. These include part-time, telecommuting, job-shares and variable work schedules.
  • Flexibility Practices: Agilent is proud of its heritage of providing flexible work hours for employees. Agilent's Flexible Time Off (FTO) program lets employees use paid time off for vacation, personal business, and illness.
  • Reinventing Work: This program helps work teams examine work processes with a work/life focus. It provides a framework for managers and employees to address job demands and work-pressure issues. 
  • Dependent Care Resource and Referral: Agilent provides a variety of resource and referral services for employees who have dependent care responsibilities for children, elders, people with disabilities and others. Our goal is to help employees handle dependent care responsibilities so they can achieve their business objectives while they are at work. Centralized programs and information aim to provide support to all of Agilent. Local entities may choose to make additional dependent care investments in locations where community-based services are inadequate and business objectives are impacted.
  • Working Parent Network: Agilent supports a variety of working parent networks in which employees share resources, tools and other services.
  • MagellanAssist (U.S.): Offers data sheets - available worldwide - providing information on a broad range of work/life challenges plus consulting and written materials.
  • Mother's Room: Some Agilent facilities offer a "mother's room" to support new moms returning to work, and the nursing needs of their babies.
  • Quiet Room: Some Agilent facilities offer a "quiet room" to support employees who need a break, respite or quiet time.
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