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Corporate Citizenship Report 2011


Strategy and Analysis

Agilent Corporate Citizenship Report is an organizational report for our stakeholders, customers and employees that provides information about our economic, environmental, social and governance performance for the Fiscal Year 2011. Agilent endeavors to be a world leader in managing environmental and social practices through our sustainability strategies and community investment efforts. 

Strategy and Analysis

1.1 Strategy and Analysis Statement

This report describes Agilent Technologies Inc's relationship with the environment and society. It presents our strategies, objectives, and results around sustainability and social responsibility. We strive to be a leader in managing our environmental and social practices through our sustainability strategies and community investment efforts. Today, customers are demanding that companies demonstrate awareness and focus on environmental and corporate social responsibilities. The Corporate Citizenship Report details our accomplishments at a corporate level, and the generosity of the Agilent Technologies Foundation, for fiscal year 2011. In presenting our environmental and social responsibility strategy, Agilent has utilized the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 3.1 format to provide greater transparency and accountability in our public disclosure of our Corporate Citizenship efforts. (Please refer to the CEO Letter for statement from the most senior decision maker at Agilent Technologies)  

1.2 Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities

Agilent Corporate Citizenship Statement

Agilent Technologies is committed to conducting business in an ethical, socially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner. Our Citizenship Objective is to be an economic, intellectual and social asset to each nation and community in which we operate. Agilent's Community Relations and Giving Programs and the Agilent Technologies Foundation are tangible examples of our commitment to exemplary Corporate Citizenship.

Agilent's Corporate Citizenship commitment is consistent with our Environmental Policy and Human Rights and Labor Policy - all essential for continued business success. Agilent ISO 14001 certified company-wide environmental management system is used to manage and drive continuous reduction of adverse environmental impacts.

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