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Corporate Citizenship Report 2011


Social Society Indicators

Agilent's policies, values, organization and business management systems apply across all our global businesses. As part of its Corporate Citizen Objectives, Agilent strives to be an economic, intellectual and social asset to each nation and community where the company conducts business. Agilent's Social and Community initiatives align with ISO Core subjects: Organizational Governance 6.2, Fair Operating Practices 6.6 and Community Involvement and Development 6.8  

Social Society Indicators


DMA SO Disclosure on Management Approach SO

Agilent's policies, values, organization and business management systems apply across all our global businesses. They are designed to:

  • Reduce our negative impacts on the environment
  • Protect the occupational health and safety interests of our employees
  • Ensure customer requirements are met
  • Enhance our value to our communities
  • Ensure the highest levels of quality in our products and services
  • Increase our competitiveness
  • Create a consistent approach across business groups, where applicable
  • Meet the expectations of our stakeholders
  • Conduct business in an ethical manner
  • Agilent considers external charters, principles and guidelines that have been developed through multi-stakeholder processes to guide our business activities. We also participate in a variety of intra- and cross-industry forums to address emerging issues, develop industry-wide approaches to social and environmental challenges and cooperate with governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other stakeholders on common concerns.

As part of our Corporate Citizen Objectives, Agilent strives to be an economic, intellectual and social asset to each nation and community where we conduct business. Agilent has been consciously and strongly committed to community involvement through many initiatives - Agilent Technologies Foundation, Agilent Giving and other signature programs aimed at giving back to the community.

Agilent in Communities
Agilent Corporate Brochure

Agilent recognizes ISO 26000 as a reference document that provides guidance on social responsibility. Agilent aligns with ISO 26000 standards as part of our social responsibility practices. As such, Agilent's Social and Community initiatives align with ISO Core subjects: Organizational Governance 6.2, Fair Operating Practices 6.6 and Community Involvement and Development 6.8


SO1 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs

Volunteerism is a key element of our core values and the cornerstone of our corporate citizenship efforts.

Many health and human-care agencies were aided by Agilent volunteers during community service events in support of the company's annual giving campaign. One hundred percent of the Agilent sites participating in the giving campaign held community outreach programs.

All Agilent communities supported the annual Engineers Week, with a focus on girls in engineering. We provided support in hosting events and serving as organizers and presenters. Our worldwide communities are not only sites with large employee populations but also individuals in field locations.


SO2 Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption

100% of all Agilent business units were analyzed for risks related to corruption during the reporting period.


SO3 Percentage of employees trained in organization's anti-corruption policies and procedures

100% of management and non management employees are required to receive anti-corruption training during the reporting period.


SO4 Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption

Agilent has a formal process for investigating and resolving allegations of corruption should they occur.


SO5 Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying

Agilent positions statements are published at: Agilent Position Statements. See also Agilent's Corporate Governance.


SO6 Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country

Agilent contributes to dialogue and decision-making on public policies affecting the company, our employees or our operations. Agilent policy forbids anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices. In 2011, Agilent provided no financial or in-kind contributions to political parties.


SO7 Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes

Agilent policy forbids anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices.


SO8 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations

Agilent has not received any significant fines associated to product non-compliance nor has Agilent been sanctioned for product non-compliance. In addition, Agilent has no dispute resolutions.  

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