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Corporate Citizenship Report 2011


 CEO Message : Uncompromising Integrity

On behalf of Agilent Technologies and its 18,700 employees around the world, I am pleased to present our 2011 Corporate Citizenship Report. This report demonstrates our commitment to the highest ethical standards in social and environmental responsibility.

Agilent adheres to both GRI and ISO26000 reporting standards. This enables us to highlight clearly our commitment to sustainable development, as well as our compliance with environmental, workplace and other regulatory schemes. GRI reporting also serves as a benchmark to compare Agilent against its peer groups, sectors, industries and competitors.

But beyond compliance, we proudly recognize corporate citizenship as an integral part of our long, 70-plus-year heritage as an industry leader.

Agilent's products are designed based on a framework of sustainable environmental compliance. Likewise, we expect our suppliers to adhere to environmental and social responsibility principles that are similar to our own.

Agilent values and treats its global workforce with respect and dignity, as evidenced in our labor reporting data. In turn, employee engagement and volunteerism contribute to stronger community relations in countries where we operate.

Agilent and the Agilent Technologies Foundation also provide university research grants and pre-university science education grants. In 2011, we invested more than $9 million in philanthropic cash and equipment.

As the world's premier measurement company, Agilent takes pride in its ability to support our customers, employees and investors in making our world a better, healthier and more sustainable place to live.


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