Agilent Corporate Citizenship Report 2014

Awards and Recognition 

Agilent received the following awards and recognition during the reporting period:

  • Agilent made the Newsweek Ranking of top 10 Green US Companies for corporate sustainability

  • Ranked No. 17 on the Silicon Valley Business Journal’s list of the top 50 local corporate philanthropists.

  •  Ranked in top 25 Forbes "Best Companies With Work Life Balance"

  • Recognized as a leader in sustainability and social responsibility in 2014 making the Global 100 list

  • Included in the RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook as a top industry leader

  • Rated Supplier on the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Sustainability Index

  • Agilent Japan ranked No. 9 in a non-listed company category of the CSR survey conducted by Toyo Keizai. The Toyo Keizai team rates each company's human resources, environment and compliance/philanthropy systems and efforts and announces the results every year.


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