Bond Elut Cyano (CN) is available as endcapped (CN-E) or unendcapped (CN-U) medium polarity sorbents. Bond Elut Cyano (CN-E) can be used effectively with extremely nonpolar analytes that would be irreversibly retained by C8 and C18 sorbents. This sorbent is best applied to aqueous samples.
Bond Elut Cyano (CN-U) can be used to extract very polar compounds that would be retained by SI or Diol (2OH) phases. It is suitable for handling polar analytes in nonpolar matrices including oils or hexane.
Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Cartridges, Well Plates, Sorbents
Agilent’s solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges coupled with FMS automated extractors will provide our customers with a robust method for automated sample extraction workflow, improving lab efficiency and productivity.