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Access Agilent eNewsletter May 2016

Maximize lab productivity and results consistency with Agilent SQ Walkup Solution

Siji Joseph, Agilent Application Scientist

Lab productivity is often linked to instrument uptime, trained operators, and consistent results with minimum investment. Agilent 6120B Single Quadrupole (SQ) Walkup Solution is a simple and efficient tool to improve lab productivity in a typical drug discovery and development lab. Agilent SQ Walkup instrumentation helps to confirm compound synthesis and to estimate the purity or yield of the target compound at each stage of the synthetic process.

Proven robust instrumentation offers consistent, fast, and reliable results and equips the user to make quick and appropriate decisions for the next synthetic step. A simplified software interface combined with robust hardware gives even non-expert users the confidence to perform high quality and reliable LC/MS analysis.

SQ Walkup instrumentation—robust tool for various analytical objectives

The SQ Walkup system consists of the following modules:

Mass acquisitions up to 2000 Da can be performed using the Agilent 6120B SQ solution. Multi-mode source combines the functionality of both ESI and APCI into a single source. This can be operated as dedicated ESI, APCI, or mixed ESI/APCI mode.

Easy interface for typical multi-user environment

Agilent MassHunter Walkup software offers different user privileges, such as administrator, MS chemist, and chemist with different levels of accessible features. The administrator can access all features required to create chromatographic methods, keep LC/MS systems running, clear the errors, and restart the system.

The software packages included in the SQ Walkup setup are:

To work with the Agilent Walkup instrumentation, the user does not need to be familiar with ChemStation or MassHunter software in order to operate the system, instead only a few simple sample submission steps need to be learned. The sequence creation using Agilent LC/MS Walkup software is as simple as a few mouse clicks.

Figure 1. UV elution profile of test mix using 10 min long method with methanol and ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5.8).

Figure 2. Reproducibility verification of Agilent SQ Walkup instrumentation using eight compound mix.

Reproducibility and maximum instrument uptime

In a multi-user Walkup environment, it is important to have regular procedures/checks to ensure the performance and robustness of the complete Walkup solution. To assess this solution, a customized test mix of eight commercially available compounds was used (Figure 1). Routine injection of test mix under specific operating conditions can be considered as a measure to evaluate the instrument integrity. This test can be repeated at regular intervals. Concordance of the UV chromatograms or MS results of the eight compound mix in comparison with initially acquired results demonstrates the reliable performance of SQ Walkup instrumentation.

To establish the robustness of the SQ Walkup instrumentation, the test mix was injected before and after about 200 injections of other samples and the UV and MSD (+ve mode) traces were overlaid. A reproducible elution profile with respect to resolution, height, and area ensured the robustness of the Walkup instrumentation (Figure 2).

Fast, reliable analysis and increased productivity

When the Agilent MassHunter Walkup software administration interface is used, multiple auto sampler options (ALS, HiPALS, HTC/HTS, external tray) can be configured. The HTC sampler is a good choice for running many samples for extended periods without intervention. While using the external tray (up to 17 vials), Walkup software suggests the vial positions to load samples into the tray. The user can load even the priority samples in the external tray, and the sampler arm moves them inside.

The robust Agilent 1260 Infinity LC system, coupled with an Agilent 6120B Single Quadrupole LC/MS, enables complementary use of UV, which together with MS detection facilitates identification of a wide range of target analytes. Equipped with a multi-mode source for fast switching between positive and negative polarities, this solution offers reliable analysis of a wide variety of synthesized compounds covering a wide range of physic-chemical properties.

Reliable data analysis and wide reporting options

Agilent MassHunter Walkup software allows the user to receive the results in an organized way at their desk. Automated data interpretation helps to ensure consistent and reliable data analysis. An administrator can configure Walkup software to send the results of the analysis, including raw data files, to selected users by e-mail once the sample analysis is completed.

The Agilent MassHunter Analytical Studio Reviewer software offers a wide range of reporting options. Agilent MassHunter ASR can create single or batch reports that are highly customizable to show the desired information as per the lab requirement.

Various administrative features and details of performance and robustness evaluation of Agilent SQ Walkup solution are described in Technical Note (5991-6534EN). The user-related features for analyte agonistic Walkup LC/MS using the Agilent 6120B SQ Walkup solution are described in Application Note (5991-6535EN).

Agilent offers a full line of analytical solutions, equipment, software, and supplies

Agilent offers a wide array of solutions, equipment, software, and supplies for labs the world over. Be sure to visit the Agilent web site today to explore our full line of LC/MS, GPC/SEC, and HPLC/UHPLC analytical solutions for your busy lab.

Figure 1

UV elution profile of test mix using 10 min long method with methanol and ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5.8). The reproducible UV elution profile confirms the LC parameters, such as mobile phase condition, mobile phase mixing, pump flow rate, and column performance. [1) Metronidazole, 2) Glafenine, 3) Labetalol, 4) Hydrocortisone, 5) Dipyridamole, 6) Chrysin, 7) Disperse Yellow, 8) Dipentyl phthalate]

Figure 2

Reproducibility verification of Agilent SQ Walkup instrumentation using eight compound mix. The top figure (A) is the overlay UV trace before and after 200 injections, whereas the bottom figure (B) is that of MSD Total Ion Chromatogram signal.