Our approach to sustainable packaging

According to an independent survey of lab managers, 60% of labs are taking action to improve their waste management techniques.1 At Agilent, we’re helping our customers meet this goal by continuously improving and optimizing the sustainability of our product packaging—from reducing the use of plastics to making it easier to recycle packaging.

Group packaging

Agilent product designers, process engineers, and product managers are working to identify and evaluate ways to make our packaging more sustainable, focusing on the following key strategies:

Optimizing packaging design

Optimizing packaging design
Using correctly sized packaging to minimize the size and volume of materials used and eliminating unnecessary packaging.

Sourcing sustainable materials

Sourcing sustainable materials
Maximizing the use of recycled and sustainably sourced renewable content, enhancing material health by removing priority chemicals and other restricted packaging content, and eliminating single-use plastic materials.

Supporting recycling

Supporting recycling
Designing packaging that is easy to recycle, incorporates recycled content, and improves customer communication on packaging recyclability.

The progress we’ve made in recent years cuts across a wide range of Agilent products. Below are a few examples that illustrate our approach and impact. See more in our annual corporate responsibility and ESG reports.

Replacing foam packing material with paper

We have replaced popcorn and foam fillers with kraft paper in most of our logistics and manufacturing facilities, resulting in a substantial reduction of 240 kg (529 lb) of plastic-based material annually. Kraft paper is a sustainable product made from wood pulp. It’s also strong, durable, and highly effective in protecting products in transit.

Providing recycling instructions on packaging

We are continuing to add recycling instructions to our packaging where possible, giving our customers the information they need to dispose of our packaging responsibly. We use How2Recycle®, a widely used, standardized labeling system that clearly communicates recycling instructions, removing the guesswork and increasing the likelihood that more packaging material will be recycled and reused.

Redesigning existing product packaging for sustainability

We are continuously assessing ways to improve the sustainability of our packaging while ensuring it provides effective protection during shipping and is easy for our customers to use. Below are a few examples.

LC analytical and semi-prep columns
Our modernized column packaging uses 50% less material, is made of fully recyclable paper, and reduces our shipping carbon footprint by 30%.

LC analytical and semi-prep columns

LC analytical and semi-prep columns

Our new packaging for EasiVial eliminates 100 to 150 g (0.2 to 0.3 lb) of plastic per box, reducing plastic waste by nearly 181 kg (400 lb) each year.



Our redesigned EasiCal packaging eliminates 22 g (0.05 lb) of plastic per box, reducing plastic waste by 19 kg (42 lb) each year.



J&W packed GC columns and J&W GC products
By removing foam from our J&W packed GC column and J&W GC product packages and replacing the material with a cardboard box, we’ve eliminated 260 kg (573 lb) of foam waste per year.

J&W packed GC columns and J&W GC products

J&W packed GC Column image

J&W packed GC columns and J&W GC products

Both J&W products images

Gas Clean
We eliminated foam, plastic, and excess paper from our Gas Clean box by replacing it with paper design that is even easier to open. Documentation is built into the packaging for easy access.

Gas Clean

Gas Clean

Advanced Dilution System ADS 2
We increased the recycled content of the packaging and implemented the How2Recycle® logo, without compromising product quality and standards and ensuring product integrity during transportation and distribution to our customers.

Advanced Dilution System ADS 2

Box content

Advanced Dilution System ADS 2

Outer box artwork

Advanced Dilution System ADS 2

How2Recycle logo

5500a FTIR Flow Cell
We implemented higher recycled content packaging to replace non-sustainable materials, without compromising product quality and integrity during transportation and distribution. The packaging update also ensures material supply and eliminates potential long-term health risks due to exposure to certain packaging materials during the packaging process.

5500a FTIR Flow Cell

5500a FTIR Flow Cell

Do you have packaging suggestions? We want to hear from you!

Customer feedback is essential to the success of our sustainable packaging initiatives. If you have suggestions on how we can improve our packaging, please contact us.

Please note that customers may still receive older packaging until the transition to new packaging is complete.

1Agilent Independent Global Lab Sustainability Survey Sheds Light on Progress Towards Greener Labs
