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February 1, 2012

Announcing new upgrades to iLab system generated invoices. These new features will allow cores to create formatted invoices that can be sent to their customers directly from the system.

There are a number of exciting features related to this new function:

  • After creating a billing event, an HTML version of the invoice can be generated where core staff can update payment and contact information. With a system generated URL, Core administrators, as well as invoice recipients, can easily view this file on-line.
  • Two ‘Notes’ fields are also available. Core administrators have the option to add notes that can be viewed either by members of their core only or by anyone with access to the invoice.
  • Invoices can also be sent directly from the iLab system via e-mail, making the delivery process easier for both core administrators and customers.
New Invoice Look

Within the HTML version of the invoice, core administrators can access a dashboard with options for downloading, editing, and delivering the invoice.

New Invoice Functionality

This new functionality is designed to increase efficiency and improve the overall iLab experience for our core staff. For further information or assistance on updating your invoices, please contact iLab Solutions,
