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- 均匀的流量:限流端口可确保小柱或孔中的内容物可在整个歧管内得到一致的处理
- 无需采用繁琐的截止阀:PPM-48 无需使用真空处理装置所需的必须单独手动控制的截止阀
- 更快速、更超值:可容纳 48 个 SPE 小柱,助您单次处理更多样品
- 节约时间和资源:PPM-48 的自动进样器样品瓶收集架可省去最后的转移步骤
- 更灵活:强制气体为处理各种样品(包括粘稠样品)提供各种压力
- 重要资料
A Technical Guide to Agilent Positive Pressure Manifold (PPM) 48 and 96 Processors
Agilent Positive Pressure Manifold (PPM) 48 and 96 processors are excellent alternatives for positive pressure sample processing
- 技术概述
- English
- 2017 年 6 月 30 日
- 1.29 MB
Faster, more consistent sample processing. Agilent Positive Pressure Manifold 48 and 96 Processors.
For techniques such as solid phase extraction (SPE), supported liquid extraction (SLE), and filtration (protein precipitation), Agilent positive pressure manifold 48 processor (PPM-48) and 96 processor (PPM-96) give you several key advantages over traditional vacuum processing.
- 宣传单页
- English
- 2017 年 7 月 19 日
- 956.32 KB
Agilent Positive Pressure Manifold 48 and 96 Processors User Manual
Agilent Positive Pressure Manifold 48 and 96 Processors User Manual
- 用户手册
- English
- 2017 年 11 月 22 日
- 1.04 MB