FISH Probes
Agilents unique SureFISH probes are designed in silico and chemically synthesized using the companys high-fidelity, oligonucleotide library synthesis (OLS) technology. The probes are recommended for the detection of gene rearrangements by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and can be used on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections.
The probes consist of a mix of two child probes (3 and 5 probes) combined in a single tube, each labeled in a different color (orange-red Cy3 and green FITC) and designed to target a given gene.
The probes consist of a mix of two child probes (3 and 5 probes) combined in a single tube, each labeled in a different color (orange-red Cy3 and green FITC) and designed to target a given gene.