- 根据 AOAC、EU 和 US FDA 指南进行了优化和验证的方法
- 证明了用于鸡肉、猪肉、牛肉、虾和三文鱼基质时方法的性能、重现性和可转移性
- 涵盖多种食品基质的一致样品前处理和分析方案可确保实验室工作人员轻松完成操作
- 包含 210 种化合物的 dMRM 数据库,简化了针对您特定需求的自定义采集方法创建
- 预先确定的消耗品确保从一开始即可产生高质量结果,并缩短停机时间
- 25 种化合物的系统适用性标准品涵盖 10 种不同的化学类别,与 MassHunter 性能评估和质量检查报告相结合,可确保出色的日常运行
- 包括全面、简单实用的工作流程指南以及详细的样品前处理培训视频
- 应用服务和安捷伦培训中心课程确保您的员工接受正规培训,并从一开始就能可靠地分析样品
- 与 Agilent 6470 和 6495C 三重四极杆液质联用系统兼容
- 应用简报
Quantitative Analysis of 210 Veterinary Drugs in Organ Meat Using the Agilent 6470A Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
This application note demonstrates the applicability of the Agilent Comprehensive Veterinary Drug dMRM Solution for the screening of 210 target residues in organ meat.
- 应用简报
- English
- 2021 年 6 月 28 日
- 404.57 KB
Quantitative Screening of Multiresidue Veterinary Drugs in Milk and Egg Using the Agilent 6495C Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
In this application note, the quantitative screening of multiresidue veterinary drugs in milk and egg is discussed with respect to the use of the Agilent 6495C Triple Quadrupole LC/MS.
- 应用简报
- English
- 2021 年 3 月 17 日
- 1.28 MB
Quantitative Screening of Multiresidue Veterinary Drugs in Seafood Using the Agilent 6470 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
The effective use of the Agilent Comprehensive Veterinary Drug dMRM Solution (G5368AA) kit for the screening of target residues in seafood matrices.
- 应用简报
- English
- 2020 年 12 月 17 日
- 1.14 MB
An End-To-End Workflow for Quantitative Screening of Multiclass, Multiresidue Veterinary Drugs in Meat Using the Agilent 6470 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
The Comprehensive Veterinary Drug dMRM Solution is an end-to-end workflow solution that simplifies quantitative screening of 210 multi-class, multi-residue veterinary drugs in food matrices. It combines multiple food analysis types into one easy-to-follow protocol, based on proven, optimized analytical vet drug screening methods, reducing training and operating costs while enabling shorter time to results and a simplified laboratory setup.
- 应用简报
- English
- 2020 年 10 月 26 日
- 1019.39 KB
- 宣传单页
- 挂图
- 快速参考
Multi-class, Multi-residue Veterinary Drug Analysis in Food Matrices
Everything you need to analyze veterinary drugs.
- 快速参考
- English
- 2020 年 6 月 18 日
- 201.85 KB