- GeCKOv2 文库提供了最全面的人和小鼠外显子组覆盖,以实现全基因组 CRISPR 敲除实验。
- 这些质量最高、经过序列验证和实验验证的 GeCKOv2 文库最大限度为 CRISPR 敲除驱动的探索研究提供机会。
- 可直接包装的慢病毒质粒文库可节省时间和精力。
- 该文库的通用 pSGLenti 慢病毒质粒为开发您的研究应用提供充分的灵活性
DNA 起始量 |
对照 sgRNA 类型 |
文库形式 |
每个基因的靶标结构 |
测序验证 |
病毒载体类型 |
配送方式 |
- 产品样本
CRISPR brochure 5991-9158EN
Agilent Technologies has a long history of building nucleic acids. Originating through Agilent’s spin-off from Hewlett-Packard Company, our DNA oligonucleotide synthesis technology is based on the concepts that enable ink-jet printing. This platform empowers the printing of up to a million oligo features on a single chip, creating highly complex oligo pools with each oligo present in precise ratios. The advanced chemistries developed at Agilent also enables the printing of longer oligos than are typically available from commercial suppliers. We have harnessed this technology to develop a wide range of market-leading products including SurePrint custom microarrays, SureSelect for NGS target enrichment, SureFISH probes, and the QuikChange HT mutagenesis kit for protein engineering. Whether you are looking for the highest quality pre-defined content or you need to create your oligo libraries from the ground-up, Agilent has a solution for your CRISPR needs.
- 产品样本
- English
- 2018 年 3 月 29 日
- 2.14 MB
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