RNA 试剂盒
Agilent ProSize 数据分析软件计算 RNA 质量数 (RQN),可为下游应用提供定量总 RNA 质量指标。出色的分辨率使用户可以轻松区分 RNA 降解和小 RNA。
- 片段分析仪系统 RNA 试剂盒
- 可靠的分子量测定 — 使用标准方法对 200–6000 nt 的 RNA 样品或使用扩展方法对高达 9000 nt 的样品进行准确精密的分子量测定
- 更宽的定量范围 — 使用 RNA 试剂盒定量 25-500 ng/µL 浓度范围内的总 RNA 以及 20-100 ng/µL 浓度范围内的 IVT mRNA,或使用 HS RNA 试剂盒分析 50-5000 pg/µL 浓度范围内的总 RNA、500-5000 pg/µL 浓度范围内去除核糖体 RNA 的 RNA 和 500-10000 pg/µL 浓度范围内的 IVT mRNA
- 大幅减少样品稀释 — 根据您的需要选择正确浓度范围的试剂盒,从而避免样品稀释
- 客观的质量指标 — 通过 RQN(范围为 1–10)测定总 RNA 样品的降解水平,评估 mRNA 样品的纯度百分比,并计算 FFPE RNA 样品的 DV200(大于 200 nt 的片段百分比)
- 低样品量消耗 — 仅使用 2 µL 样品即可获得准确的结果
- 特异性 RNA 分析模式 — 在 ProSize 数据分析软件中选择相应的方法,分析真核、原核、植物和去除核糖体成分的 RNA 等不同来源的 RNA 样品
保质期 |
- 重要资料
High-Sensitivity IVT mRNA Analysis Using the Agilent Fragment Analyzer Systems
This technical overview details the different methods available for the analysis of IVT RNA using the HS RNA kit on the Fragment Analyzer.
- 技术概述
- English
- 2024 年 8 月 27 日
- 856.53 KB
RNA Quality Assessment with the Agilent Automated Electrophoresis Systems
This overview demonstrates the comparability of the Agilent automated electrophoresis instruments in assessing intact and degraded total RNA samples from various sources.
- 技术概述
- English
- 2024 年 5 月 15 日
- 720.68 KB
Best Practices for Analysis of IVT mRNA using the Agilent Fragment Analyzer systems
In this technical overview, best practices for analysis of IVT mRNA are discussed, with particular attention to the use of the Agilent RNA kit and Fragment Analyzer systems.
- 技术概述
- English
- 2023 年 9 月 7 日
- 1.14 MB
- 应用简报
- 产品样本
- 案例研究
- 引用参考文献
- 数据表
- 技术概述
- 白皮书
- 用户手册
Agilent DNF-472 HS RNA (15 nt) Kit IVT mRNA Quick Guide for Fragment Analyzer Systems
This Quick Guide is intended for use with the Agilent 5200, 5300, and 5400 Fragment Analyzer systems only. The DNF-472 HS RNA kit has methods for analysis of IVT mRNA as well as Total RNA and ribo-depleted RNA samples. This quick guide covers the two methods for IVT mRNA a low concentration range of 500 to 2,500 pg/μL and a mid-concentration range of 2,500 to 10,000 pg/μL, as well as the corresponding Extended methods for IVT mRNA > 6,000 nt. A separate quick guide (SD-AT000132) covers Total RNA and ribo-depleted RNA methods.
- 用户手册
- English
- 2024 年 9 月 24 日
- 463.03 KB
Agilent DNF-472 HS RNA (15 nt) Kit Total RNA Quick Guide for Fragment Analyzer Systems
This Quick Guide is intended for use with the Agilent 5200, 5300, and 5400 Fragment Analyzer systems only. The DNF-472 HS RNA kit is designed to analyze Total RNA samples at an input concentration of 50 pg/μL – 5,000 pg/μL and ribo-depleted RNA at an input sample concentration of 500 pg/μL – 5,000 pg/μL . A separate quick guide (D0117260) covers the use of the DNF-472 HS RNA kit for analyzing in vitro transcribed (IVT) mRNA.
- 用户手册
- English
- 2024 年 9 月 24 日
- 385.74 KB
Agilent DNF-471 (15nt) RNA kit-IVT mRNA Quick Guide for Fragment Analyzer Systems
The DNF-471 RNA kit is designed for analysis of IVT mRNA in the range of 20 to 100 ng/μL input sample concentration as well as Total RNA. This quick guide covers methods for IVT mRNA less than or equal to 6,000 nt and an extended method for samples up to 9,000 nt.
- 用户手册
- English
- 2024 年 9 月 24 日
- 387.62 KB
Agilent DNF-471 (15nt) RNA kit-Total RNA Quick Guide for Fragment Analyzer Systems
This Quick Guide is intended for use with the Agilent 5200, 5300, and 5400 Fragment Analyzer systems only. The DNF-471 RNA kit is designed to detect Total RNA within the range of 5 ng/μL to 500 ng/μL input sample concentration.
- 用户手册
- English
- 2024 年 9 月 24 日
- 333.01 KB
DV200 Analysis with the Agilent Fragment Analyzer systems
Quickly perform input quality control for your formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) RNA samples.