用于 ICP-MS 的安捷伦高级阀系统 (AVS MS)
- 由安捷伦设计、制造并提供技术支持,能够与 ICP-MS 主机巧妙地结合,并且具有完全集成的软件
- AVS MS 样品环用蠕动泵填充,而非隔膜真空泵,因此样品消耗很少(大约 2 mL/min),不存在真空泵及其相关的泵阀磨损及更换问题
- 该系统可完全兼容 Agilent SPS 4 自动进样器
- AVS MS 能够显著提高样品通量,总运行时间不超过 1.5 分钟(取决于元素列表和样品类型),这一耗时仅为常规(连续)进样系统的 1/3-1/2
- 减少接口在样品基质中的暴露时间,从而减少信号漂移,提高短期和长期精度,同时降低采样锥的清洗频率
- AVS MS 可以与安捷伦高基质进样系统附件技术相结合,以快速分析总溶解态固体含量在百分级的样品。与 ICP-OES 相比,其检出限更低,而且不受干扰影响,这一切都要归功于不连续进样的效率。
- 重要资料
High Throughput Analysis of Rock Digests using the 7700x with HMI and ISIS-DS
Geological exploration and mining generate tens of thousands of samples per week worldwide which must be analyzed quickly and accurately for a wide range of metals. By combining the High Matrix Introduction (HMI), which is standard on the Agilent 7700x ICP-MS, with Agilent’s Integrated Sample Introduction System for Discrete Sampling (ISIS-DS), previously unachievable throughput and stability can become routine. Sample throughput can be increased 4-fold while reducing the matrix load on the plasma and interface by more than 90% compared to conventional ICP-MS.
- 文献转载
- English
- 2010 年 11 月 1 日
- 1022.71 KB
Maximizing ICP-MS Productivity for High Matrix Samples Using the 7700x with ISIS Discrete Sampling
- 文献转载
- English
- 2010 年 4 月 7 日
- 1.09 MB
Maximizing Productivity in High Matrix Samples using the Agilent 7700x ICP-MS with ISIS Discrete Sampling
Application note for maximizing productivity in high matrix samples using the Agilent 7700x ICP-MS with ISIS Discrete Sampling
- 应用简报
- English
- 2014 年 1 月 24 日
- 1.31 MB
- 应用简报
- 挂图
- 白皮书