We all have a role to play in limiting planetary warming to levels that avoid the worst impacts of climate change. To that end, Agilent has committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 with an interim goal of reducing scope 3 emissions at least 30 percent by 2030. To achieve this goal, we also need the help of our suppliers.
Agilent suppliers make up a large share of scope 3 emissions, which includes purchased goods and services. For this reason, Agilent is setting expectations for our suppliers to commit alongside us so that we can jointly achieve our decarbonization goals.
Our work on reducing emissions together is critical for a few reasons.
First, Agilent’s stakeholders increasingly expect us and other companies to aggressively reduce emissions.
Second, net-zero commitments have become a business necessity as some customers will only buy from companies that have committed to net zero. It’s also a prerequisite to qualify for certain government contracts.
Finally, we’re also working toward net-zero emissions because it aligns with our mission to improve the quality of life. We are conducting engagement sessions with our suppliers throughout the year to collaborate on sustainable supply chain operations.
Beginning in 2024, Agilent will update our supplier performance management process to include the key criteria of environmental and sustainability.
Learn more about our path to net zero, our validated net-zero emissions targets, and our ESG program.