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AriaMx Real-time PCR System

Part Number:

AriaMx Real-time PCR System. Can be ordered with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 filters. Option 010.

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ARIA Software - Standard with Instrument
  • Yes
  • ±0.2 °C
Configurable Optical Modules
  • Yes
Controller Touchscreen
  • Yes
Cooling Rate - Average
  • 2.5 °C
Cooling Rate - Median
  • 3.0 °C/Sec
Cq Uniformity
  • Standard deviation <0.20 at fast cycling (5 sec at 95 °C / 10 sec at 60 °C)
Data Acquisition Time
  • <3/plate sec
Detection Sources
  • 8 filtered photodiodes
Dimensions (WxDxH)
  • 50.0 x 46.0 x 42.0 cm (19.7 x 18.1 x 16.5 inches)
Display Resolution
  • 1024 x 768 (1280 x 1024 recommended) pixels
Display Type
  • Touch screen interface
Dynamic Range
  • 9
Excitation Source
  • 8 dye specific LEDs per optical module
Experiment Types
  • Allele Discrimination with HRM
  • Allele Discrimination with probe
  • Comparative Quantitation
  • Quantitative PCR with dye
  • User Defined
Experimental Import
  • Yes
LIMS Connectivity
  • Yes
Line Frequency
  • 50-60 Hz
Line Voltage
  • 100-240 VAC
Max Optical Modules
  • 6
Maximum Block Ramp Rate
  • 6 °C/Sec
Number of Wells
  • 96
On-board Instrument Diagnostics
  • Yes
Operating Environment Max Altitude
  • 2000 m
Operating Environment Relative Humidity
  • 2-80 %
Operating Environment Temperature
  • 20-30 °C
Optical Module Calibration & Maintenance
  • One-time background removal calibration
Optical Module Types
  • ATTO425
  • CY3
  • CY5
  • HEX
  • ROX
Optional Services Available for Purchase
  • Yes
Optional for Purchase Warranty Length
  • 5 yr
PCR Uniformity
  • ±0.4 °C
Power Consumption
  • 1100 VA
Protocol Storage Count
  • 5GB
Reaction Volume
  • 10-30 µL
Remote Monitoring
  • Yes
Self-Installable Optical Modules
  • Yes
Software Included
  • Free software including LIMS connectivity feature
Software Upgrade Statements
  • Available online, no charge
Standard Warranty Length
  • 1 yr
Thermal System Temperature Range
  • 25.0-99.9 °C