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Part Number

Part Number:

ABLE Competent Cell Kit. Includes both ABLE C and K cells, Contains: 5 x 0.2 mL ABLE C and 5 x 0.2 mL ABLE K cells.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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Blue-White Screening Available
  • Yes
Cell Strain
  • ABLE C
  • ABLE K
Cell Type - Production Method
  • Electroportable Cells
Competent Cell Application
  • Cloning Toxic DNA through modulation of plasmid copy number
Difficult Cloning Type
  • Toxic Clone
Generates Unmethylated DNA
  • No
Quantity per Kit
  • 0.2 mL
  • Kanamycin
  • Tetracycline
Transformation Efficiency - Qualitative
  • High
Transformation Efficiency - Quantitative
  • ≥5 x 106 transformants/μg
  • 5 x 0.2 mL