Bioanalyzer Protein Analysis
Protein electrophoresis using the 2100 Bioanalyzer System is a fast, automated, objective, and flexible solution for protein and peptide characterization, quality control, and impurity detection. The Agilent Protein 80 and Protein 230 assays provide sensitivity comparable to Coomassie Blue stains.
The system eliminates handling of SDS-PAGE slab gels, staining, or imaging steps for a more efficient workflow. Sample types evaluated using the Bioanalyzer system include protein lysates, purified protein and peptides, reduced and non-reduced antibodies, and protein stability tests.
The system eliminates handling of SDS-PAGE slab gels, staining, or imaging steps for a more efficient workflow. Sample types evaluated using the Bioanalyzer system include protein lysates, purified protein and peptides, reduced and non-reduced antibodies, and protein stability tests.
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