CERN News Highlights
Agilent Vacuum is proud of its support of cutting-edge scientific inquiry at CERN. To learn more about science at CERN, follow these links:
Agilent Vacuum (formerly Varian) takes pride in supporting the vacuum science community due to the importance and significance of advancing science that leads to new discoveries and improve the human condition. For over 60 years, we have provided new enabling technologies and put our knowledge to work in support of researchers, educators, and students to help apply and push the boundaries of vacuum science research. We are honored to play a supporting role in this exciting community of pioneers. This vacuum science community page is intended to share, inspire, and celebrate the great body of research being done around the world using Ultra and Extreme high vacuum.
Agilent Vacuum is proud of its support of cutting-edge scientific inquiry at CERN. To learn more about science at CERN, follow these links:
Started in 2009, the US Department of Energy funded the world’s first hard x-ray free-electron laser. The LCLS made possible scientific advancements that helped science researchers better understand the world we live in and beyond. But they aren’t stopping there. The LCLS-II and LCLS-II-He will deliver on the world scientific community’s quest to answer the many mysteries of the universe and limited only by their imagination. Explore more…the next leaps in advanced X-Ray Science at SLAC.
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