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Robust vacuum solutions and expertise to help advance research in nuclear fusion energy

Fusion is a clean and safe nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form one atomic nucleus, releasing a huge quantity of energy. Nuclear fusion is extensively studied as a candidate to provide clean and abundant energy in the future. Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) is essential as nuclear fusion can only happen in a very hot plasma, generated in an environment where vacuum eliminates the possibility of plasma particle interactions with other gases. Creating and maintaining UHV in an environment subject to high magnetic fields produced in the experiments can be challenging. Agilent large turbomolecular pumps and ion pumps are able to provide the extreme base pressures required. In addition, leak detectors able to verify and guarantee the vacuum tightness of huge experimental vacuum chambers are needed, in combination with ultrasensitive vacuum gauges to control and manage the plasma generation area.

For more than 50 years, Agilent has supported research in nuclear fusion by providing a broad range of robust vacuum solutions including ultrahigh vacuum pumps, leak detectors, and vacuum measurement systems. Agilent also provides expertise and partnership to help you succeed.

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Fusion technology as a clean and sustainable power generation method

During the fusion reaction, two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus, where the total mass of the resulting single nucleus is less than the mass of the two original nuclei. The leftover mass becomes energy that can be used to run a turbine-electrical power generator. As nuclear fusion does not generate CO2 emissions from this process, fusion does not contribute to greenhouse gas emissions or global warming. No long-life radioactive waste is generated, and fusion reactor materials can be recycled or re-used within 100 years.

Vacuum pumps for fusion techniques

Vacuum pumps are essential for fusion technology. They must be able to withstand the harsh environment it creates.  The process requires compatibility with tritium, nuclear radiation, magnetic fields, shock, and air inrush accidents, without risking contamination of pumped gases. Agilent vacuum pumps provide leak-tight operation with clean, hydrocarbon-free metal-based sealings. These pumps must provide a high pumping speed for light gases like hydrogen, tritium, and deuterium, guaranteeing a base pressure of less than 1x10-8 mbar. When used to recycle helium in cryostats, the pumps must move huge quantities of helium in the 1x10-5 pressure range.

Learn about Agilent technologies for nuclear fusion

Agilent is committed to continued innovation of vacuum technologies, products, and services. Agilent vacuum pumps, measurement devices, and leak detection products are ideally suited to the unique challenges and extremes required for nuclear fusion.

Agilent provides robust radiation and magnetic field-resistant turbomolecular pumps. Agilent industry-leading turbo pumps range from 70 to 2300 L/s and feature innovative designs backed by exhaustive testing and trusted after-sales support.


Agilent ion pumps and controllers easily manage light and noble gases and quickly reach UHV conditions. They have no moving parts, and therefore, generate no vibration or electrical noise. Agilent ion pumps are built with radiation-tolerant materials, and can be baked-up and regenerated, requiring virtually no maintenance. Agilent ion pumps are available in a number of configurations to satisfy your vacuum requirements. They are the best choice for those applications where stable ultrahigh or extreme-high vacuum (UHV or XHV) conditions are essential.


Agilent titanium sublimation combination ion pumps deliver extra high getterable gas (hydrogen and nitrogen) pumping speed. A titanium sublimation vacuum pump (TSP) operates by heating a titanium filament to the point where titanium sublimates. The thin film of titanium deposited on the chamber walls is highly reactive and binds with the residual gases, effectively reducing the gas pressure within the chamber.


Ion getter pumps (IGPs) are well suited for nuclear fusion due to their excellent reliability, cleanliness, and the absence of vibration. Agilent Ion CombiNEG pumps combine Agilent ion pumps with SAES Non-Evaporable Getter (NEG) cartridges to achieve pressures down to 10-12 mbar.


In vacuum systems, a rough vacuum is used as a preliminary stage before achieving ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). The process typically involves a roughing pump operating at pressures above 1x10-3 Torr, to evacuate the system of most air molecules. This stage is crucial because pumps designed for UHV cannot operate at atmospheric pressures. Once the rough vacuum is established, UHV pumps take over to further reduce the pressure. For nuclear fusion, oil-free, dry scroll pumps offer fast UHV chamber pump down without the risk of oil contamination.


The Agilent full range of vacuum gauges and gauge controllers from atmosphere to UHV/XHV allow you to precisely and reliably control and measure vacuum. Inverted magnetron and Bayard Alpert ion gauge tubes are well suited for nuclear fusion.


Helium leak detectors guarantee vacuum tightness. Agilent helium leak detectors are rugged, precise, and easy-to-use instruments that accurately and efficiently detect leaks.


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