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Protect Employee and Consumer Health with Accurate, Trace-level Air Monitoring for VOCs, Metals, and PFAS

Monitoring the quality of air in homes, workplaces, and transportation is important to our health and well-being. While poor indoor air quality can cause mild symptoms such as tiredness and headaches, long-term exposure may lead to more serious conditions. The compounds of concern are varied and include volatile and semi-volatile compounds (VOCs and SVOCs), metals, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and others.

Testing is performed for a range of purposes around the world, from protecting consumer environmental health to ensuring workplace safety via US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU OSHA), and other organizations’ air testing methods. The compounds of concern are varied and include VOCs and SVOCs, metals, PFAS, and others. Given the range of possible contaminants, a variety of techniques are used for analysis. Targeted methods typically rely on gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry (MS), liquid chromatography (LC) and LC/MS, and spectroscopy techniques such as inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-MS. When a comprehensive picture of sample components is desired, non-targeted high-resolution GC- and LC-quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) methods are used.

With over 40 years of environmental analysis and regulatory expertise, Agilent offers solutions comprised of instruments, chromatography workstations, consumables, and services designed to meet needs for accurate trace-level analysis of components in air samples.

If you have questions about air testing applications or would like to be contacted by an Agilent representative, let us know below.

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Multi-element Analysis of Air Filters using the Agilent 5110 VDV ICP-OES

Perform fast quantitative analysis of 44 elements using the Agilent 5100 VDV ICP-OES system. When the 5100 is fitted with the AVS 7 switching valve and SPS 4 autosampler, sample-to-sample analysis times of 63 seconds, using only 21 L of argon per sample, can be achieved resulting in unprecedented analytical productivity. 

Chemical Characterization of Dust by Comprehensive Targeted & Non-Targeted Screening

Hundreds of thousands of chemicals can be found in homes and workplaces. In this expert presentation, Christoph Mochet of U.C. Davis describes comprehensive chemical characterization of indoor dust using combined targeted and non-targeted high-resolution GC/Q-TOF and LC/Q-TOF methods. This exciting research promises to profile known and unknown chemicals linked to different household sources and to compare the chemical fingerprints of different household groups.

Carbonyl-DNPH Derivatives in Indoor & in-car Air by UHPLC & Triple Quadrupole LC/MS

Carbonyl compounds such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are hazardous substances found in indoor and in-car air that are thought to be released from plywood, particle board, furniture, glues, textiles, and other materials. Learn how UHPLC separation combined with triple quadrupole MS/MS multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)-based detection is capable of rapid analysis of 14 carbonyl-DNPH compounds. MS/MS uniquely enables identification of compounds not resolved by UHPLC alone. 

More About Agilent Solutions for Indoor Air Analysis

Multi-element Analysis of Air-filters using ICP-OES

Learn about fast, accurate analysis of 44 elements in workplace air per China’s method HJ 777-2015 using the Agilent 5110 VDV ICP-OES system equipped with the AVS 7 switching valve. Sample analysis time is 63 seconds with results that are stable over 6-hour runs.

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BTEX Analysis with the Agilent 990 Micro GC System

Perform rapid BTEX analyses with good resolution of xylene isomers and excellent repeatability using the Agilent 990 Micro GC. Analysis time is less than 150 seconds, which can accelerate decision making and is especially suitable for emergency response. 

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Reliable, Robust, and Accurate Environmental Analysis

Discover the breadth of Agilent solutions for robust, reliable, and accurate environmental analysis. Our compendium for environmental testing includes numerous application notes covering effective air analysis using GC and GC/MS, LC and LC/MS and spectroscopy techniques.

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Measuring Volatile PFAS in Air

Learn to use and optimize thermal desorption with GC with tandem MS to measure fluorotelomer alcohols and other volatile PFAS in complex environmental vapor samples such as indoor air with exceptional selectivity and sensitivity.

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We’re here to help you with your environmental testing applications.

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