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Jet fuel, diesel fuel, kerosene, and the lighter grades of fuel oil are referred to as middle distillate fuels, because they are taken off the middle of a distillation column, below the light ends, such as gasoline and naphtha, and above the heavy ends and residual fuel oils. Testing and analysis of middle distillates to determine the composition, identify contaminants, and confirm purity must be done at all stages to maximize production and cost efficiencies and to ensure seamless trading and distribution of finished products. Agilent provides middle distillate analysis and testing solutions that conform to ASTM standard test methods. Our innovative Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC provides SimDis results in under 3 minutes, our modernized LC methods will save you time and money, and our elemental analysis solutions will ensure that you don’t miss a thing. 

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Quantification and Identification of NOx Reduction Agent AdBlue (AUS32) by ATR-FTIR

Quantification and Identification of NOx Reduction Agent AdBlue (AUS32) by ATR-FTIRGlobal fuel standards require analysis to determine identity, quality, and chemical characteristics of AdBlue. A Cary 630 FTIR equipped with the single reflection diamond ATR module was used in identifying commercial AdBlue, as specified in the ISO 22241-2 standard. The study was extended to quantify urea and provided an easier and more economical alternative to ISO 22241-2 methods for routine quantification of urea content in AdBlue.

ASTM D2887: Procedure B Simulated Distillation by GC

ASTM D2887 procedure B is an accelerated simulated distillation GC method. Procedure B criteria restrict columns to three capillary columns with a polydimethylsiloxane column phase. It is often difficult to determine the best column phase for a GC test method. This application note describes the performance of the Agilent 8890 gas chromatograph when running ASTM D2887B using each of the three capillary columns specified by the method. Key performance measures were easily met using each tested configuration.

Reduce Solvent Consumption with Smaller Diameter Columns

Lubricating oil composition defines the characteristics and determines the interchangeability and end-use of each type of oil. Conventional lubricating oil composition consists of saturates, aromatics, and polar hydrocarbons as the primary constituents. ASTM D7419 is a liquid chromatography-based test method used to determine lube oil hydrocarbon composition. Learn how to reduce your lab solvent needs with Agilent’s modernized ASTM D7419 LC conditions with smaller diameter columns that provide shorter run times and lower solvent consumption.

ASTM D5185 Wear Metals in Lube Oils by ICP-OES

ASTM D5185 is used for the rapid determination of 22 elements in lubricating oils. Although the ICP-OES method is well-established, labs sometimes need to remeasure samples. Labs are challenged to overcome issues with carbon build up on the torch and accurate analysis in the presence of high concentrations of elements that interfere with other elements.  Agilent ICP-OES IntelliQuant SW can identify these interferants and the Easy-fit fully demountable torch makes torch replacement a breeze.  Learn more in this application note.  

Applications for Middle Distillates Standard Test Methods

ASTM D7798: Agilent Intuvo GC for Ultrafast SimDis

Use an ultrafast, precise, and consistent SimDis method to analyze middle distillates by ASTM D7798 using the Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC.  

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ASTM D7419: Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Saturates by LC

Save time and solvent with a modernized method for total aromatics and saturates in additive-free lube-based stocks on an Agilent 1260 Infinity LC. 

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ASTM D6591: Aromatic Hydrocarbons by LC/RID

Analyze mono-aromatic, di-aromatic, and tri+-aromatic contaminants in petroleum middle distillates and diesel fuels with an Agilent 1260 Infinity LC. 

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ASTM D5185: Used Lubricant Oil Multi-Element Analysis

This method evaluates the Agilent Easy-fit fully demountable ICP-OES torch for oil analysis according to ASTM D5185-18.

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ASTM D7593: Diesel Content of In-Service Motor Oil

Quickly monitor the diesel content of in-service motor oils using a capillary gas chromatography test method that follows ASTM D7593. 

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Diesel Fuel Contamination in Lube Oils by ASTM D7593

Check the condition of your in-service motor oil by testing for diesel content using the fast and robust test method ASTM D7593.

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Additional Resources

The Agilent 8890 GC easily achieved performance measures for peak symmetry, resolution, and RGO verification for each configuration of the accelerated ASTM D2887B method using any one of the three specified capillary columns.

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Extend operational range and decrease analysis time for higher boiling point compounds. Learn a proven GC×GC method with an Agilent 7890B GC equipped with Agilent J&W DB-HeavyWAX column and an Agilent triple quadrupole GC/MS for challenging middle distillate analyses with complex matrices.

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Explore this study demonstrating the performance of the Agilent 1260 Infinity II LC System to meet or exceed the requirements for quality and precision checks specified in ASTM D7419 for the determination of total aromatics and total saturates in lube base oils.

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Achieve an ultrafast, precise, and consistent simulated distillation method to analyze middle distillates by ASTM D7798 using the Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC. The precise retention times needed for simulated distillation were obtained using the combination of fast direct column oven heating and precise column flow controls on the Intuvo. Unlike other systems, there was no need to use post-acquisition software to artificially line up peak retention times. D7798 method validation was easily met using the Intuvo 9000 GC, and sample results were nearly identical to those reported in the ASTM D7798 research report as well as a separate D2887 study.

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