Study Management
Automated Studies Management
iLab study management software helps core facilities manage large scientific studies. This module ties individual tasks of a study to a larger, overarching project, which increases experimentation consistency and allows for collaboration of multiple researchers on one study.
- Lab Operations Management
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Product Details
- Study management tool dashboard: include start, stop, and approval dates, status, and more
- Communication tracking: ability to track communications with collaborators and select whether or not you would like to be informed of specific studies
- Research collaboration: ability to run long-term studies with multiple researchers and multiple requests
- Cost analysis: optionally include a cost analysis for the study initiator(s) and coordinator(s)
- Subjects tracking: optionally and upon approval of the institution, include questions about whether or not human subjects will be involved in the study and formally track subjects in iLab, as appropriate
- Protocols: ability to associate protocols with intended long-term projects
- Study statistics: ability to capture important information about the work conducted
- Custom fields, forms, attachments, and links: allow cores to capture consistent and important information about the work to be conducted in a variety of formats, and allow the option of manual result entry
- Bill for services: track and bill per activity completed or service rendered
Training & Events
iLab Advanced Scheduling Tools
This session provides informative new perspectives on how to most effectively use iLab's advanced scheduling features.
iLab Core Facility User Training
Learn how to quickly teach your core's users everything they need to know, so they too can easily and efficiently utilize your facility's offerings.
Basics on how to use iLab
This session provides informative new perspectives on how to most effectively use iLab for efficient core management.
Core Facilities Management
CrossLab iLab core facility management is a web-based enterprise software solution composed of a base software suite and add-on modules and integrations. The software facilitates service request, customer, and project management, as well as billing and invoicing, among other functions.|iLab core facility management software helps you save time and money for core personnel, institutional administrators, and researchers. iLab operations software is designed to meet the needs of varying types of shared resource facilities, benefitting the individual core and enabling an institution to fully profit from investment in core operations.
Laboratory Services