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Powering Greater Profitability for Environmental Analysis Labs with the Agilent 5977B GC/MSD

The Source of New Possibilities

Agilent 5977B GC/MSD system


Powering Greater Profitability for Environmental Analysis Labs

Throughput. Uptime. Efficiency. Operating costs.

No matter what business you're in, these are fundamental factors that impact profitability. Environmental analysis labs aren't immune to these factors—lab managers face constant pressure to analyze more and more samples, even as resources shrink and analytical challenges grow.

In your lab, every task has the potential to increase or decrease your profit. Every instrument has to pull its weight. Every sample counts.

GC/MS is a foundational tool for environmental analysis, and labs around the world trust Agilent GC/MS instruments—including the Agilent 5977B—for their proven robustness and reliability. But there's more to the 5977B, including many features that can help make sure you don't leave potential profit unclaimed.

Explore the unique features of the Agilent 5977B discussed below to discover how it can push your lab toward a more profitable future.

Case study

See how the 5977B GC/MSD system is making a difference for Eurofins Scientific, a giant in the global environmental contract lab business

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The Agilent 5977B GC/MSD was named “Most Popular Instrument” at the 2017 Conference of China Scientific Instruments. This award is the highest industry recognition in China.

Download the 5977B GC/MSD citation index Download the 5977B GC/MSD brochure

First in GC/MS innovation

For more than 50 years, Agilent has been leading the way for technologies like these:

  • Triple-channel EM with Triple Axis Detector (doubly off-axis) for eliminating neutral noise
  • JetClean for ion source maintenance and consistent response over years
  • Capillary flow technology (CFT)
  • The first commercially integrated midpoint, intracolumn backflush
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Fewer, more reliable calibrations = more time for analysis, with less rework

The Agilent 5977B allows users to calibrate over a significantly wider range with just a single injection, saving time and resources while still providing the sensitivity and repeatability needed for confident analysis of even the most low-level analytes.

Figure 1. Example calibration results for the challenging compound 4-nitrophenol. The acceptable analysis range is 0.05–160 ppm (R2 = 0.9904; linear fit) using a 1:3 split, the LPD liner, and 9 mm diameter draw out lens.

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Figure 1. Examination of a deconvoluted spectrum identified by LMS in NIST 17 as sarin in extract 19.

Less analyis time per sample = more samples through your workflow

Finding technologies that can search for hundreds of pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and other targets in complex matrices is an ongoing challenge. Often, methods are aimed at a specific list of compounds that are commonly found in a product. These methods can be effective, but may overlook residues that are not specifically targeted.

The 5977B enables users to find as many compounds of concern as possible using a multistep approach. The first step is to obtain mass spectral scan data on the samples with the GC/MSD system retention time locked (RTL) to a library of pesticides and environmental pollutants containing over 1,000 compounds. The scan data are then processed in Agilent MassHunter Quantitative 10 Unknowns Analysis software, which provides streamlined automated deconvolution and library searching.

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Complete solutions to boost lab productivity

Get the most out of your system with Agilent MassHunter software

MassHunter software is the right choice for high-throughput quantitation and compound identification in environmental labs. This software delivers unique features for transforming data into insight, with qualitative and quantitative analysis tools that bring you:

  • Time-saving features, such as batch-at-a-glance and compounds-at-a-glance, that facilitate review-by-exception.
  • Almost 50 integrated quality test criteria, and a parameter-less integrator with built-in peak validation, which allow you to focus exclusively on problem peaks and minimize the need for manual integration.
  • One-click results, with all associated peaks, spectra, and calibration data immediately displayed and more pop-up information available.

MassHunter software is used consistently across Agilent LC/MS, GC/MS, and ICP-MS instruments, allowing you to reduce your staff training time.

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JetClean self-cleaning ion source

Save Time and Money with the Agilent JetClean Self-Cleaning Ion Source for GC/MS

*Saving rate depends on the application

More uptime = more analysis time and fewer sample reruns

During routine analysis, matrix deposits inevitably build up, especially when dealing with difficult matrices. This necessitates removing the ion source, scrubbing the lens, putting it all back together, and recalibrating the instrument.

The JetClean self-cleaning ion source eliminates these problems. It uses a carefully controlled hydrogen flow that removes even the most stubborn deposits. That means:

  • No more disassembling and reassembling the source
  • No more scrubbing lenses and other components
  • No need for specialized MS expertise to keep the source clean
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