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Ion Pumps & Controllers

Ion Pumps and Control Units for Ultra High (UHV) and Extreme High Vacuum (XHV)

Agilent Vacuum (formerly Varian) offers a complete portfolio of VacIon ion pumps that provide various pumping speeds (from 0.4 to 1000 L/s). Agilent also supplies smart combinations titanium sublimation pumps (Ion CombiTSP) and Non-Evaporable Getter (Ion CombiNEG) pumps for clean and vibration-free environments.

Agilent ion pumps and controllers can be customized in a number of configurations to satisfy your vacuum requirements. They are the best choice for those applications where stable ultrahigh or extreme-high vacuum (UHV or XHV) conditions are essential, such as: laboratories, large research facilities, medical devices, scanning electron microscopes, and surface analysis tools.

Ion Pumps & Controllers

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Featured Literature

CERN Partnership Case Study

CERN-Agilent Vacuum Partnership: enabling scientists for some of the most challenging particle physics experiments, including the recent identification of the Higgs Boson.

Inline Ion Getter Pump for Particle Accelerators

A new and innovative solution to simplify the application of IGPs in a highly-demanding environment such as an accelerator facility, with added value for the customer.

Agilent and DESY Collaboration Creates a New Kind of Ion Getter Pump

Collaboration between Agilent and DESY creates the groundbreaking in-line ion pump.

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Ultra and Extreme High Vacuum Enabling Advanced Science

A new suite of pages dedicated to telling the story of ultrahigh vacuum and how Agilent supports the scientific community doing cutting-edge research enabled by UHV and extreme high vacuum.

Ultra-High and Extreme High Vacuum – Agilent 2-minute Tutorial Video Series

This page provides answers for frequently asked questions on ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and extreme high vacuum (XHV) and addresses challenges that vacuum system designers, builders and operators face in creating UHV and XHV.

Agilent Ion Pumps Support Proton-based Therapy Systems

Vacuum is an important enabling technology in revolutionary proton-based cancer therapy systems. Agilent special ion pumps can operate flawlessly in close proximity of extremely powerful magnets and electric fields on these systems.

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