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SPS 4 Autosampler

Agilent SPS 4 Autosampler

SPS 4 Autosampler

The Agilent SPS 4 is a next-generation, high-performance autosampler for atomic spectroscopy applications. Designed to meet the needs of high-throughput laboratories requiring a fast, high-capacity (up to 360 samples or 768 microtiter wells), reliable autosampler, it is also small, quiet, easy-to-use, and affordable.

The SPS 4 is suitable for ultra-trace analysis by ICP-MS and rugged and robust enough for FAAS, MP-AES, and ICP-OES users. Built around an innovative gantry design that supports the mechanical components between two rigid pillars, the SPS 4 provides improved accuracy and precision, high speed, ease of access, and corrosion resistance – all within a footprint that is nearly 40% smaller than other autosamplers in its class.

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