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Turbo-V 2K-G Pump

Turbo V 2K G Pump

Turbo-V 2K-G Pump

The high-throughput turbomolecular pump, the Turbo-V 2K-G, is a dedicated vacuum pumping system offering 1600L/s pumping speed. The Turbo-V 2K-G is designed for industrial use specifically as a turbo pump for thin film deposition equipment. Its pumping stages, and the entire pump structure, are optimized to work with very high flows of argon under high temperature load.

This robust turbo pump is suitable for harsh manufacturing environments because of its rugged design. Typical industrial vacuum coating applications include solar and flat panel display manufacturing. The pump's robust design and its advanced electronic integrated solution make the Turbo-V 2K-G the optimum pumping solution for the vacuum coating industry.

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