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VacIon Plus 1000 Pump

VacIon Plus 1000 Pump

VacIon Plus 1000 Pump

The VacIon Plus 1000 L/s pump provides exceptional speed for large systems. Used where ultra high and extreme high vacuum are crucial, it is the choice for particle accelerators and gravitational wave interferometers.

This pump is available with three types of elements. Diode elements are for general-purpose UHV and XHV where the highest hydrogen pumping speed is critical and the system is seldom vented or prone to atmospheric leaks. StarCell elements handle a high amount of noble gases (better than noble diode) and hydrogen (comparable to the diode) and provide the highest speed and capacity for methane, argon, and helium. Noble diode elements are used for general-purpose UHV and XHV where pumping of residual noble gases is required.

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