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Custom calculations in OpenLab CDS allow you to reliably and automatically compute unique values directly within the software. This removes repetitive and error-prone calculation steps and allows you to leverage the traceability capabilities of the software. You can also display the values within the software or reports, which ensures they can be reviewed at the appropriate time for your lab's processes. Custom Calculator is the perfect alternative to spreadsheets.

Custom Calculator is the perfect alternative to spreadsheets

  • Easy-to-use
    Spend less time performing calculations and interpreting data.

  • Versatile
    Perform any calculation while reducing dependency on third-party spreadsheets.

  • Reliable
    Ensure calculations are performed correctly in the software you use to optimize your results.

  • Secure & Compliant
    Meet the data integrity requirements of GxP regulations with less effort.

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Custom calculator enables fast review of multiple samples

Often analysts are forced to review results without the full context of the analysis. One example: evaluating a value within a report and then opening the originating data file to understand if an integration artifact caused the result. Embedding the calculation within the results data ensures it is available everywhere and that it is useful to the review process. This reduces context shift and ensures a thorough, efficient review of data.

You can use these calculations to generate application-oriented results (such as NGA/RGA, or Dissolution) or quality-control statistics that reveal problem injections.

Custom calculations allow you to produce new values based on mathematical calculations of system-generated results. Calculations can be made peak-by-peak or across an entire injection set, and complex, multi-variable calculations are also possible. You can incorporate custom calculations into the processing method with a single mouse click.

Quickly see unique calculations correctly computed

Here are a few ways you could use custom calculator to speed time and improve accuracy

  • Perform any calculation based on any signal, peak, injection or sequence value using pre-built formula components.

  • Create logic based on built in summary calculations to highlight out of spec or interesting results.

  • Eliminate the built-in vulnerabilities of spreadsheets with audit trails to document your data production process entirely within OpenLab CDS software, and role based access restrictions that ensure calculations are not erroneously modified.

  • Use custom calculations as an integral part of a data governance and data integrity plan.

Ready to take custom calculations to the next level?

Did you know that Agilent provides custom solutions and consultancy services to embed OpenLab software into your workflows?

Learn how one of the largest pharmaceutical companies set their lab up for success with an automated purity workflow using Custom Calculator for OpenLab CDS. Read the technical note to inspire your custom calculator workflow.

Read technical note

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