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Chem Elut S (Synthetic)

Chem Elut S (Synthetic)

Chem Elut S for supported liquid extraction (SLE) features an inert, synthetic sorbent and is ideal for biological, food, and environmental samples. Compared to traditional liquid-liquid extraction methodologies, SLE extraction reduces time and labor-intensive steps. In SLE, an aqueous sample is loaded onto a SLE cartridge or well and allowed time to adsorb to the surface of the solid support. Then, an immiscible organic solvent is passed over the inert material, eluting analytes of interest and leaving behind unwanted matrix like salts and polar interferences.

SLE cartridges differ from other cartridge-based extractions, like solid phase extraction (SPE), because the original sample is loaded onto the extraction bed and is not intended to flow through. Therefore, Agilent SLE cartridge and well plate formats are named according to the sample capacity, not bed mass. It is very important to choose the appropriate format based on your total loading sample volume.

For years, diatomaceous earth material has been used for SLE extractions. Since diatomaceous earth is mined, not manufactured, it is difficult to control particle size which can compromise results. Chem Elut S, a synthetic SLE extraction product, has a controlled particle size and delivers consistent flow and uniformity in every batch. This improves reproducibility by minimizing analyst-to-analyst and batch-to-batch variability.

Compared to time-consuming and labor-intensive liquid-liquid extraction, SLE extraction with Chem Elut S reduces analyst-to-analyst variability, improves matrix removal, and requires minimal extraction solvent, which leads to increased analyte concentration. Chem Elut delivers reliable, reproducible results with minimal method development and a walk-away workflow.

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