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Dako GenPoint™ Tyramide Signal Amplification System for Biotinylated Probes

Dako GenPoint™ Tyramide Signal Amplification System for Biotinylated Probes

The GenPoint system locates target sites hybridized with biotinylated nucleic acid probes with high sensitivity and resolution. The kit includes stringent wash concentrate, peroxidase-conjugated streptavidin, biotinyl tyramide, and diaminobenzidine (DAB) chromogenic substrate.

* Dako GenPoint embodies technology developed by and licensed from NEN Life Science Products, Inc. (U.S. Patent 5,196,306).

Limited Use Licence

This product is distributed and sold to the End-User pursuant to a license from NEN Life Science Products, Inc. for use by the End-User in manual or automated processing on Dako instrumentation only of glass microscope slides or other support material (other than microarrays and bio-chips) containing cell or tissue specimens for examining those specimens under a microscope (including automated image capture and analysis systems) for the purpose of detecting target nucleic acids or proteins. Purchase does not include or carry any right to resell or transfer this product either as a stand alone product or as a component of another product. Any use of this product other than the licensed use without the express written authorization of NEN Life Science Products, Inc. is strictly prohibited.

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