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1290 Infinity II Autoscale Preparative LC System

1290 Infinity II Autoscale Preparative LC System

1290 Infinity II Autoscale Preparative LC System

The 1290 Infinity II Autoscale Preparative LC System is a scalable, workflow-based solution that facilitates automated scale-up from analytical method scouting to optimized purification. Direct scale-up from analytical scouting to gram-scale purification allows for a seamless transition in the drug development process. This scale-up ensures that the purification methods and conditions optimized at the analytical scale can be reliably and efficiently applied to larger quantities of the desired compound.

Agilent Automated Purification Software for OpenLab ChemStation enables automated transfer of purification methodologies from analytical to preparative-scale purification. Focused gradients are calculated on the fly for each target compound, ensuring the highest purity and recovery of all collected fractions.

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