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2D-LC Software

Method setup in 2D-LC software for OpenLab CDS

2D-LC Software

As a part of Agilent InfinityLab two-dimensional liquid chromatography solutions, 2D-LC software allows you to run heart-cutting 2D-LC analysis, including high-resolution sampling and comprehensive measurements. It helps you to increase resolution for co-eluting compounds, analyzing complex samples, or sample matrices.

This 2D-LC analysis software is easy to use. It simplifies the entire process and helps you smoothly go through the different steps of heart-cutting and comprehensive 2D LC measurements: start with your 1D separation and increase resolution by choosing spots of interest for increased resolution or by re-analyzing your complete sample with different separation conditions in a single run.

The 2D-LC software also provides comprehensive data analysis and reporting capabilities, and can analyze multidimensional data qualitatively or quantitatively - easily yet powerfully. Analyze and use 2D-LC/MS data for the most extensive information about your samples.

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