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Libraries for GC/MSD

Libraries for GC/MSD

Agilent GC/MS databases and libraries help you get a simplified, more reliable interpretation of your suspect screening and unknowns results for your Agilent GC/MS workflows. Agilent RTL libraries for GC/MS have been acquired using retention time locking (RTL), a critical component of chromatographic sample identification. The use of RTL allows for results to be easily compared with those obtained on other instruments and MS types. The use of multiple platforms provides a powerful toolset for addressing the needs of any analysis.

NIST and Wiley libraries provide users with the confidence and assurance that their untargeted spectral search is the broadest available. These libraries comprise a collection of electron ionization (EI) and MS/MS mass spectra, with chemical and GC data, plus search software to identify your own unknown spectra.

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