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RET IQFISH Break-Apart Probe (Dako Omnis)

RET IQFISH Break-Apart Probe (Dako Omnis)

RET IQFISH Break-Apart Probe (Dako Omnis) is intended for the detection of rearrangements involving the RET gene by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The dual-color probe for Dako Omnis is recommended to be used on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) lung tissue specimens.

Break-apart probes consist of two child probes, designed to be on opposite sides of the translocation breakpoint for a given gene, each labeled with a different fluorochrome. These probes generate signals in normal cells that are closely matched in size and co-localized (two fusion signals). In case of a translocation event, the signals are 'broken apart' and no longer co-localize giving e.g. one red, one green and one fusion signal.

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