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Doctor Fiona Regan

Is it Safe?

Agilent backs researcher’s grand objective: clean water

As a chemistry professor, Fiona Regan worries about the impact of chemicals entering the water supply and the broader ecosystem. As director of the Water Institute at Dublin City University, she is in a position to do something about it.

Founded in 2015, the Water Institute is a cross-faculty initiative that aspires to address water resource problems on a national and even global level. It aims to do so through research, education, and innovation in water science, technology, management, and governance.

Regan is particularly interested in what researchers call “emerging chemicals of concern”—the ones where we don’t yet fully understand how they may impact the environment and public health.

She is also interested in changing people’s attitudes toward the use of chemicals. “Ultimately, I would like to change the way chemicals are made and distributed and treated,” she says.

Fiona Regan, PhD
Fiona Regan, PhD

Professor of Chemistry at Dublin City University
Director of the DCU Water Institute
Manager of the Teaching and Research Center
Dublin, Ireland

Selected publications

Emerging priority substances in the aquatic environment: A role for passive sampling in supporting the WFD monitoring and compliance.
Jones J, Ronan J, McHugh B, Regan F.
Anal. Methods, 2015, 7, 7976

Monitoring the occurrence of PAHs in Irish wastewater effluent.
Jones L, Kinsella B, Furey A, Regan F.
J Environ Monit. 2012 Nov;14(11):3009-14. doi: 10.1039/c2em30605k.

CE separation approaches for combinations of anthracyclines and taxanes.
Shakalisava Y, Regan F.
Electrophoresis. 2009 Sep;30(17):3110-3. doi: 10.1002/elps.200900097.

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