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Access Agilent eNewsletter July 2015

Simplify routine elemental analysis:
New solution-ready 7800 ICP-MS and
SPS 4 Autosampler from Agilent

By Ed McCurdy
Agilent ICP-MS Product Marketing

Tomo Yamada
Agilent ICP-MS Product Manager

Steve Wilbur
Agilent Software Product Manager, ICP-MS Systems

No two laboratories are the same in terms of sample types, analytical requirements, or workload. However, many facilities will follow regulated or standard methods, and numerous others have developed their own well-defined application workflows to manage the analysis of their samples. These "routine" testing labs are demanding in their choice of instrumentation, with robustness, productivity, and ease-of-use as important as performance and reliability. The new Agilent 7800 ICP-MS (Figure 1) meets these laboratories’ demands by providing proven high-performance capabilities, together with method optimization tools and pre-defined batch templates to streamline setup and routine operation.

Figure 1. New Agilent 7800 ICP-MS configured for routine applications.

Streamline your lab operations with solution-ready ICP-MS

The Agilent 7800 ICP-MS has been optimized for ease of method development and ease-of-use in routine and high throughput laboratories. Enjoy fast setup, simple method setup, and reliable routine operation, with auto-optimization tools, pre-set methods, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for common applications. SOPs include drinking water and waste analysis, and USP<232>/ICH Q3D for pharmaceutical products – with other SOPs in development.

Confidence with proven pedigree

Building on the success of the Agilent 7700x ICP-MS, the new 7800 ICP-MS uses high matrix introduction (HMI) technology to increase matrix tolerance, delivers reliable interference removal using standard helium (He) cell mode, and provides a wide dynamic range with an orthogonal detector system (ODS). The Agilent 7800 ICP-MS is able to:

  • Analyze any typical sample (up to 3% total dissolved solids (TDS), a factor of 10 higher than conventional ICP-MS systems), with minimal matrix suppression, due to the robustness and matrix tolerance of HMI
  • Remove all typical matrix-based polyatomic interferences, using a single, consistent He cell mode
  • Measure major and trace elements in the same run, and minimize reruns caused by over-range results, with 10 order dynamic range detector

Advance your lab operations with solution-ready ICP-MS

With well-established performance credentials, the Agilent 7800 ICP-MS has been optimized for ease-of-use. Enjoy fast setup, simple method optimization, and reliable routine operation, with pre-defined templates, pre-set methods, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for common applications. SOPs include drinking water and waste analysis, and USP<232>/ICH Q3D for pharmaceutical products – with other SOPs in development.

Increase productivity and ease-of-use with new SPS 4 Autosampler and ISIS 3

Figure 2. New Agilent SPS 4 Autosampler for atomic spectroscopy applications.

The Agilent SPS 4 Autosampler (Figure 2) is a next-generation high-performance autosampler designed to meet the needs of high throughput laboratories requiring a fast, reliable, high-capacity autosampler. The SPS 4 is suitable for ultra-trace analysis by ICP-MS while at the same time providing the ruggedness and robustness demanded by FAAS, MP-AES, and ICP-OES users.

The new autosampler provides improved accuracy and precision, high speed, ease of access, and corrosion resistance, all with a footprint (including covers) that is nearly 40% smaller than other autosamplers with comparable sample capacity. With the optional integrated enclosure, the Agilent SPS 4 offers maximum sample integrity while protecting your laboratory environment from hazardous sample vapors. Flexible sample and standard rack configuration enables a wide range of sample capacities to be accommodated. For example, four-rack capacity supports up to 360 10 mL sample vials or 768 microtiter wells.

When larger sample numbers and faster analysis are required, the third generation of Agilent’s Integrated Sample Introduction System (ISIS 3), recently released with the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS, can be added as an option to the Agilent 7800 ICP-MS. With its high speed uptake pump and close-coupled 7-port switching valve, ISIS 3 maximizes sample throughput and productivity by enabling fast discrete sampling.

Ready. Set. Detect. Simplified operation with new ICP-MS MassHunter 4.2 software

The latest release of Agilent ICP-MS MassHunter 4.2 is integral to the simplified operation of the Agilent 7800 ICP-MS. New users will appreciate the straightforward optimization routines and performance verification tests that are automated as part of Startup. Pre-set Methods predefine the analysis parameters for many common applications and ICP-MS MassHunter’s Method Wizard develops a fully-functioning method based on a few questions about your samples. With a highly intuitive user interface to guide users through all stages of the analysis, from hardware configuration and instrument optimization to sample acquisition and data analysis, routine ICP-MS operation has never been so accessible (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Batch pane features intuitive user interface.

Agilent ICP-MS Journal

Are you interested in trace metals analysis and eager to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of ICP-MS? Then we invite you to take a closer look at Agilent’s dedicated ICP-MS Journal. Published four times a year and available as a PDF, you can view the latest issue of the ICP-MS Journal, plus all previous copies, by visiting the ICP-MS Journal Archive.

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