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Access Agilent eNewsletter, September 2014

Dissolution Labcast HD: Agilent dissolution products and tips – live from your desktop

By Andrew Damon
Agilent Technical Marketing Specialist

Your time is valuable, so the ability to review our dissolution products as quickly and as conveniently as possible is crucial for planning your purchasing decisions. What’s more, conventional product demonstrations can be time consuming and difficult to schedule as you anticipate the delivery and set up of your dissolution purchases in your facility.

Since 1999, we’ve invested our best resources to address the concerns of easy access to Agilent dissolution product information through the use of ISDN/IP Labcast videoconferencing. Today’s advanced broadcast delivery options give Agilent an enhanced platform for improvement in both the customer experience and video quality.

That’s why we’ve revolutionized the Agilent Dissolution Labcast experience for you. Now, rather than relying on earlier videoconferencing technology that often required you to schedule a special conference room to watch demonstrations, we are broadcasting a live – on demand – multi-camera videoconference directly to your computer or Apple/Android mobile device. We call it Dissolution Labcast HD and you can easily schedule an on-demand conference by contacting our Dissolution Hotline.


Figure 1.

The Dissolution Labcast HD advantage

Scheduling a live Labcast with one of our many knowledgeable dissolution chemists is free, easy, and worth your while. Each Labcast will walk you through the capabilities of our instruments and answer your questions in real time (see Figure 1). All you need do is contact your Agilent Sales Representative, and we’ll schedule a convenient time for your Labcast the same week as the request whenever possible.

Better yet, these new Labcasts are not just limited to product demonstrations. They’re also meant to support you post purchase by offering the expertise of our seasoned chemists to field any questions or concerns you may have about any of our products or accessories.

View our new videoconference series – Demo at Your Desk

This on-going series will help keep you current by demonstrating our products along with any corresponding applications. You can register for this free series right now to experience an immersive, HD video presentation revolving around each featured topic or theme.

Each of these topics, including our upcoming demos on Ensuring Compliance within Dissolution Laboratories, is repeated in the schedule. So if you are not available for any one of them, simply choose a different date. Other topics and dates will be announced on an on-going basis, prompted by demand.

What can you expect?

Agilent dissolution instrumentation and related software will be demonstrated during each videoconference. Our goal is to provide you with an understanding of the capabilities of these instruments and how they fit into Agilent workflow solutions. For instance, we plan to demonstrate a typical method and review the key factors that should be considered when selecting the appropriate instrument(s) for your operation. Firmware and – where appropriate – software capabilities will be demonstrated along with select accessories.

Do keep in mind that this experience is designed to be interactive, so we encourage you to ask questions during each Labcast. Our ultimate goal is to be sure you fully understand what our equipment can and cannot do.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming Labcast demonstrations. We’re sure you’ll enjoy the new audio/video quality, convenience, and personal touch our new Labcast HD service has to offer. Register and schedule a session today to see the difference for yourself.

For a complete listing of Agilent dissolution events, including Demo at Your Desk videoconferences, visit the Agilent Dissolution Exchange. Also be sure to check out our interactive tools, including the free Dissolution 1-on-1 training course and the Dissolution Discussion Group forum.

Figure 1.