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Better Patient Care on Dako Omnis

New Staining Technology enables high-quality staining on Dako Omnis
Positive findings were recently announced in a new white paper on the groundbreaking Dynamic Gap staining technology, a new staining principle developed by Dako.

The newly released white paper shows that Dynamic Gap staining supports consistent, reproducible immunohistochemical (IHC) staining with no observed common artifacts, a major breakthrough for pathology labs worldwide. The new staining technology is available exclusively on Dako Omnis.

Download White Paper

The Dynamic Gap technology process

The Dynamic Gap technology uses capillary force during reagent application, while switching to continuous movement of reagents during reagent incubation and washes. This process increases the consistency of staining and prevents common staining artifacts such as patchy staining, edge effects and air bubbles.

Strong focus on consistent, high-quality staining

During the development of the new Dako Omnis solution for IHC and ISH, there was strong focus on designing a system that could consistently provide high-quality, uniform staining over the entire tissue section. The Dynamic Gap technology used on the instrument has now shown that high-quality staining with very little staining intensity variation between slides, between instruments and on different days is possible.

2,136 tissue sections were stained for the white paper

Four different tests using IHC staining on 2,136 tissue sections were used to examine the repeatability and reproducibility of the Dynamic Gap staining technology. Both intra- and inter-run variations showed very little variation in staining intensity. Also, there was virtually no visible difference in staining intensity no matter where on the glass slide the tissue sections were placed. No staining artifacts were encountered in any of the studied samples.

Gap Staining White Paper

Dako white paper outlines the high-quality staining of Dako Omnis enabled by its new immunohistochemical staining principle.

Want to hear more about Dako Omnis?

Dako Omnis is designed to reduce the risk of human errors
Reducing the risk of human errors, for better patient care.

A host of integrated quality control features prevent, correct or draw attention to errors should they occur. Among other things, uniquely-designed slide racks, and bulk and reagent bottle design make it impossible for an operator to load incorrectly.

Optimal staining results slide after slide
Ready-to-use (FLEX RTU) solution for a diagnosis you can trust

One of the biggest challenges in the field of immunohistochemistry is that no guidelines exist that explicitly dictate how class I staining should look in terms of intensity and morphology, nor exactly what control tissue should be used to qualify the stain of the clinical sample. As a result, significant differences in staining intensity are practiced and personal preferences vary.

From a patient safety perspective, the personal preferences and lack of guidelines introduce a risk that diagnostic interpretations can vary from lab to lab.

Variability is significantly reduced when the RTU concept is used. This is particularly true with Dako Omnis because:

  • The Dako protocol can be downloaded as a piece of software which avoids human errors in the typing of the protocol parameters
  • The Dako protocol is the result of a comprehensive study of numerous different tissue types, to validate that by following the protocol recommended by Dako, the recommended benign control tissue will be stained in the most appropriate way, according to the known features of the chosen tissue
  • The protocol and the staining results have been tested and approved by key pathology experts
Dako FLEX RTU Data Sheet

Dako Omnis - Ready to use (FLEX RTU)

Patient case management with Fast Turnaround Time (TAT) from biopsy to diagnosis
Dako Omnis has a high reagent capacity of 60 temperature-controlled reagents.

With a high reagent capacity of 60 temperature-controlled reagents and a five slide rack design, the Dako Omnis solution enables you to load full patient cases without burdensome sorting, while at the same time maintaining high lab efficiency due to high utilization rate of racks and less hands-on time.

In addition you can:

  • load patient cases whenever it suits you, according to priority.
  • be sure slides are preheated correctly, as the software will check compatibility of slides in each rack
  • color code the racks, i.e. for urgent cases, prioritizing your slides.
Slides per patient case

Relative distribution of slides per patient case. Dako Omnis supports true patient case workflow through unmatched reagent capacity and smaller size racks. With a median value of three slides per patient case and 90% percentile at five slides per patient case, the five slide rack enables loading of 90% of all patient cases in one rack, avoiding unnecessary sorting, while still maintaining high efficiency in the lab.

N=301, Median 3, 90% percentile five slides per patient case. Average 2.97 slide pr patient case. Range 1-10 slides per patient case. Source: Routine clinical data, University of Rochester Medical Center, USA

Slides per patient case

Five slide racks increase efficiency when loading patient cases through reduction of empty slots

Dako Omnis ensures consistent staining conditions
Temperature-controlled reagent storage and staining chambers ensure consistent staining conditions.

Dako Omnis provides a temperature-controlled environment not only for the slides, but the reagent vials as well. Dako Omnis has 60 temperature-controlled reagent positions (18,0 +/- 0.3 °C)

Dako Omnis - 60 temperature controlled reagent positions

60 temperature-controlled reagent positions

The temperature-controlled environment:

  • ensures an unprecedented environmental standardization of the staining process,
  • allows on-board storage of reagents – safe from heat-incurred destabilization. This is of particular importance during certain times of year (summer, winter) and in certain parts of the world which may not have climate-controlled labs.