
Software Status Bulletin

Agilent Drivers for Chromeleon 7     

Known Problem Report as of Nov 7 2016 8:56AM

This Software Status Bulletin (SSB) documents all known problems in the software
product designated above. The SSB is derived from Known Problem Reports (KPR)
which result from user problems that have been classified as documentation
problems or software defects. When a KPR is written, an identifying number is
assigned to it, and the KPR is added to the next edition of the SSB.

User inputs that have been classified as Enhancement Requests are not documented
in the SSB. User problems that have been submitted, but that have not been
classified by the time the SSB is generated are not included in the SSB.

How to use the SSB
When you experience a problem with a product, first check this SSB to see if the
problem has been reported already, and if there is a temporary workaround
available for the problem, or if the problem has already been fixed by a new
revision. If the problem is not listed in this SSB then you may wish to report
it to the Response Center or to your field support representative.

To determine if your problem is documented in this SSB, first look in the
Keyword Index section of the SSB. Under each keyword is a listing of one-line
descriptions of related KPRs. If any of these sound like yours, locate the KPR
# in the Known Problem Reports section of the SSB, and read the full KPR. The
KPRs in the Known Problem Reports section are sorted by KPR #.

There are two sections in the SSB:
Keyword Index: This index is categorized by keyword. For each KPR there is a
brief description and a KPR #. A KPR may be associated with more than one

Known Problem Reports: This section contains KPRs, with all the available
information relevant to the problem. KPRs in this section are sorted by KPR #.

Keyword Glossary

Audit Trail
LC Control
User Interface

Keyword Index

Keyword: Acquisition

KPR#:1 Injecting command "Blank=Inject" is not executed
KPR#:2 Feature Monitoring Baseline for Data Acquisition is not supported
KPR#:3 Manual addition in script of the injection position allows input of an index as well as defined wellplate locations e.g. P1:A1
KPR#:71157 Stoptime handling on G4301A SFC module

Keyword: Audit Trail

KPR#:79426 G1367 tray changes does not generate audit trail entry

Keyword: Configuration

KPR#:4 For Cap/Nano Pumps (G1376A/G2226A) feature "fast reconditioning" is not available
KPR#:5 Migration an ICF method in the Agilent Driver Integration to a instrument with different configuration not all parameters fall back to default
KPR#:78763 No "enforce column" feature for instrument methods
KPR#:80363 Use of external tray for G1329A/B is not supported

Keyword: LC Control

KPR#:81577 No solvent consumption calculation present for clustered modules

Keyword: Method

KPR#:69382 FlexCube Timetable entry for column description not available
KPR#:69668 Pump Channel A cannot be disabled
KPR#:69910 Timestamps decimal places in method UI and method script

Keyword: User Interface

KPR#:69405 LC Status Dashboard Run Time and ePanel Retention Time Digits
KPR#:69623 Method script may offer broder (min/max) ranges than graphic method interface
KPR#:69734 Sampler: Sample Flush Out Factor Method listed among Highthroughput in command tree

KPR#:6  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  1.01


One-line Description:

Position addressing requires prefix "vial: " for vial locations.


The sample position addressing in Chromeleon requires unique location identification. As Agilent offers ranges of vial plates and well plates offering different configurations (e.g. 2x 50 vial tray and external tray) the addressing need apply for these configuration. In order to achieve unique location the user has to define the vial location in the sequence with  vial:x (whereas X is the location).

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:69808  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release


One-line Description:

Possible cut off of text string in Stop Stage of Method Report for signals 


Printing/Reviewing the Chromeleon method, it is possible that in the "Stop" Stage the last command line is not fully spelled out:

cut off to : Agilent.PUMP1.PUMP1_Dir_of_Piston_A.A

This was detected when
1. the command was too long and the text needed to be wrapped
2. the command is the last line item before the "End" of the Stop run stage.


In Stage Stop, just before "End" the latest ACQOFF for Piston C command text is cut off:

20:00  Agilent.PUMP1.PUMP1_Dir_of_Piston_A._A

Temporary Solution:

At the stop stage all signals which are turned on for acquistion are normally turned off - so the cut off command string is always AcqOFF, so the cut off text is clear to the user. The cut off has been only seen for wrapped commands which have more than 4 characters after the wrapping.

The script shows the command in full length. 

Fix Information:


KPR#:73697  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release


One-line Description:

Timetables must be full specified, removing parameters are not allowed 


Timetables must remain fully specified in the method script. This must be respected especially when deleting or editing a command of the timetable. 
E.g. deleting a command of the timetable in the script could result in an unspecified behavior. The behavior of a not fully specified line in the timetable varies depending on the kind of the missing parameter. It might lead to the line not visible in the timetable.

The issue is currently reported on detector timetables only.

Temporary Solution:

At the moment the software cannot prevent the deletion of commands within a timetable, therefor the online help as well the manual inform the user about the restriction.

It is not allowed to delete any commands of the timetables, timetables are to remain full specified in the method script.

Fix Information:


KPR#:79249  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release


One-line Description:

misleading Audit Trail information on solvent consumption changes


Using the different solvent channels , channel B/C/D can be set and altered, while channel A is calculated based on the given consumption of channel B/C/D. Hence disabling channel B/C/D results in higher solvents on channel A.
Disabling a channel (e.g. B) is reflected in the audit trail as “%B changed from True to False”. In this case the solvent consumption for %B is set to zero. This additional information is not listed in the audit trail.
Enabling the channel (e.g. B) again, the audit trail documents “%B changed from False to True”.
The additional listing for the new compensation is “value %B changed from old to new %B”. 

Note: The original value is not zero, the previous set value is used as “changed from” value.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:81391  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release


One-line Description:

Selected pages to print for Chromeleon Method show too many options


Starting with the Agilent Driver all method parameters to control the instrument are written as Chromeleon method script. Only Overview and Script are to be ticked in order to get the full method report.

Previously with the ICF integration a enhanced reporting was required as the method script print mechanism was not applied to ICF. The additional section boxes Method Data and Pretreatment data are still present, but are not used. Ticking the infomation, the additional method boxes remain empty.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:1  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  1.00

Keyword: Acquisition

One-line Description:

Injecting command "Blank=Inject" is not executed


There are various kinds of blank injections present in Chromeleon. The command Blank.Inject is not supported in Agilent Drivers 1.00  as despite the Chromeleon described behavior the Agilent instrument is NOT performing an injection – but reporting the injection in the Audit Trail. The system is executing a real Blank run, meaning no injection is taken place.

Temporary Solution:

Do not use the injection command ""Blank=Inject", either perform a blank run using BLANK
or perform a sample injection.

Fix Information:

Fixed in Agilent Drivers for Thermo Dionex Chromeleon 7
Revision 1.1

KPR#:2  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  1.00

Keyword: Acquisition

One-line Description:

Feature Monitoring Baseline for Data Acquisition is not supported


Chromeleon offers the features “Monitor the Baseline” which allows the user to manually save the online signal in an idle state or after a manual injection. As Agilent modules offer a monitor signal (outside a run) and Chromatogram signals (inside a run) which are not delivered with the same frequency, Agilent does not support this feature for manual injections to generate analytical results.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

No technical solution planned, as the driver is not supporting this feature.

KPR#:3  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  1.00

Keyword: Acquisition

One-line Description:

Manual addition in script of the injection position allows input of an index as well as defined wellplate locations e.g. P1:A1


Manually entering an injection position in the script, it is possible to enter numbers as well as "named values" as an Injection Position in the Script Editor (Inject command).
In this case the number is translated to the corresponding plate definition and the run is executed.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:71157  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release

Keyword: Acquisition

One-line Description:

Stoptime handling on G4301A SFC module


As Chromeleon offers an overall run time, in general the user does not need to add a "stop time" per module. For the SFC the overall runtime is automatically applied, and the entered stop time in the SFC is ignored.

Temporary Solution:

For the SFC the overall run time is used, not the "stop time" in the SFC method. To avoid confusion the recommendation is to enter a "stop time" in the SFC method UI which is identical to the overall Chromeleon run time.

Fix Information:


KPR#:79426  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release

Keyword: Audit Trail

One-line Description:

G1367 tray changes does not generate audit trail entry


Changing the tray configuration on the G1367 is not documented in the Audit Trail. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:4  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  1.00

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

For Cap/Nano Pumps (G1376A/G2226A)  feature "fast reconditioning" is not available


The modules  G1376A, G2226A Cap/Nano pumps offer a the "fast reconditioning" feature in combination with a linked, dedicated sampler.
Within Agilent Drivers this configuration is present in the  "More Instrument Configuration" tab in the home ePanel. 

Agilent does not support the use of the linked samplers as this configuration change forces the instrument to disconnected and the user need to re-configure the instrument. 
In addition the reconfiguration of the linked sampler is reset and it is not possible to establish this link with the reconfiguration.

Temporary Solution:

The fast conditioning can be enabled via the Handheld Controler (G4208A Instant Pilot). After enabling it on the LC hardware, the setting is automatically detected during the next start of the software.

Fix Information:

Fixed with Agilent Drivers for Thermo Dionex Chromeleon 7
Rev. 1.1

KPR#:5  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  1.00

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

Migration an ICF method in the Agilent Driver Integration to a instrument with different configuration not all parameters fall back to default


An existing Thermo ICF method was assigned to an instrument with a different configuration (more/less modules and more/less method parameters) using Chameleon. Pretreatment and Run Time were not set back to default values. 

Assigning an ICF method to an instrument with different configuration in the Agilent Drivers set up normally all method parameters fall back to default.
The exceptions are the pre-treatment and the Run Time, these parameters remain from the originate method. 

For different sampler types the pre-treatment parameter are not migrated.
For same sampler types the pre-treatment parameters are migrated.
Agilent recommends to review the whole method including the pre-treatment table and the defined Run Time.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

To be fixed with Agilent Drivers for Thermo Dionex Chromeleon 7
Rev. 1.2

KPR#:78763  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  A.01.00.101

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

No "enforce column" feature for instrument methods


The Valve-Thermostat-Cluster (VTC) offers the  “enforce column” feature as a selection option in the method´s graphical interface. This feature allows the user to either select a column via drop down list or enter text information.  
This option is only partly present in the Chromeleon environment:
It is possible set the “enforce column” selection via the graphical method on the status dashboard, which only changes the currently loaded instrument control parameters. It is not possible to make this assignment for an instrument method, as the configured column description cannot be displayed by Chromeleon.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:80363  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release

Keyword: Configuration

One-line Description:

Use of external tray for G1329A/B is not supported


When using the external tray for the G1329A/B the system will remain in an infinite inject state and the run needs to be aborted.
The issue is not detected by the Chromeleon "Check method" and will appear when running the sequence if the injection position for the external tray is used.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:

Using the external tray for the G1329A/B will be supported with the next Agilent Drivers revision 1.2.

KPR#:81577  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release

Keyword: LC Control

One-line Description:

No solvent consumption calculation present for clustered modules


During the ready check of the sequence or prior to a sequence start, the overall solvent consumption is calculated.

Using the PumpValveCluster the solvent consumption is not calculated.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:69382  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

FlexCube Timetable entry for column description not available


The "initial" stages of the G4227A FlexCube method script offer a description for each valve position along with the valve position.
Changing the position using the timetable, the valve position change is recorded in the script without the corresponding description. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:69668  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  A.01.00.073

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Pump Channel A cannot be disabled


Fixed configured parameters,  which are unalterabl, are not listed in the method script. As the channel A pump cannot be disabled and is always present, there is no script command present to disable this channel. If pump the available pump channel A is not to be used, the composition needs to be set at 0%.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:69910  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release

Keyword: Method

One-line Description:

Timestamps decimal places in method UI and method script 


The graphical method interface offers two digits for timestamps, while the method script shows three digits for the "Time" column in the various stages.

Entering a time (e.g in a timetable) with two digits e.g. 3.45 in the method interface, the method script reports "Time" 3.450.

Setting three digits in the "Time" in a stage of the method script e.g. 3.456
the parameter is mathematically rounded to 3.46 in the graphical method interface.

The method report prints the time listed in the method script.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:69405  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

LC Status Dashboard Run Time and ePanel Retention Time Digits


The LC Status Dashboard depicts the runtime starting from point of the injection with an accuracy of 2 digits. The ePanel information "Retention Time" shows this time with an accuracy of 3 digits. 

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:69623  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Method script may offer broder (min/max) ranges than graphic method interface


In case a parameter value range (min./max.) depends on the configured option or a specific method set-up, the script offers the maximum range as the  method interface offers built-in intelligence to determine these dependencies. 
Hence the graphical method interface may therefore offer a smaller value range as the scripted method range.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:


KPR#:69734  Product:Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Agilent Driver for Chromeleon  Chromeleon 1.1 Release

Keyword: User Interface

One-line Description:

Sampler: Sample Flush Out Factor Method listed among Highthroughput in command tree


In general the command tree follows the given structure of the graphical interface structure. The sampler has one change in the structure, based on a new feature development: 

The Sample Flush Out Factor is available in Highthroughput for all samplers. Despite the mature samplers list,  this field is also found among the Auxiliaries.

Temporary Solution:


Fix Information:
