The semiconductor industry is a pillar of modern technology. Semiconductors, also known as integrated circuits or chips, are a foundational component of many electronic devices. These tiny components power everything from smartphones and laptops to cars and medical equipment. Semiconductors continue to evolve, becoming smaller, faster, and more reliable. As components shrink to nanometer scales, precise control of contaminants and impurities becomes critical in maintaining quality standards.
Ultra-trace-level contaminants can drastically impact manufacturing yields, product reliability, and overall performance. Ensuring purity during the entire manufacturing process is essential. Rigorous testing is necessary at every stage across the semiconductor value chain, from raw materials to final products. This includes analyzing inorganic and organic impurities, monitoring particle levels, and complying with environmental health and safety regulations.
Agilent Semiconductor Industry Solutions
Semiconductors are the core of modern electronic products and are used in smart phones, cars and other fields. With advances in the semiconductor industry, many devices have become smaller, faster, more reliable, and more powerful.
Agilent has accumulated many innovative technologies and outstanding service capabilities. Agilent can provide robust analytical instrumentation, software, services, and support in various aspects of the semiconductor industry chain including process monitoring, quality control of raw materials, detection of inorganic impurities, nanoparticles and organic impurities, compliance with environmental health and safety regulations, and vacuum leak detection to help you achieve success.
On-Demand Webinar Series: Semiconductor Industry
Single Particle ICP-MS Applications in Advanced Semiconductor Processes
Single particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS) is a powerful tool used in various fields of study. It can detect particles as small as sub-10 nm at ultra-trace levels. In the semiconductor industry, spICP-MS has applications in processes like ultrafiltration and chemical mechanical planarization (CMP). Notably, it measures size-exclusion retention of nanoparticles by ultrafiltration membranes and quantifies size changes in ceria nanoparticles before and after CMP processes. This presentation delves into the fundamentals and practical applications of spICP-MS.
Automated Online Semiconductor Monitoring with ScoutDX, ScoutNANO, and RadianVPD
Elemental Scientific provides a variety of products to monitor contamination in semiconductor materials. Two key offerings are ScoutDX and ScoutNANO. ScoutDX enables automated detection of low-level ionic contamination in process chemicals, even at distances greater than 300 meters. ScoutNANO goes further by allowing automated nanoparticle detection, reference material calibration, and stable nanoparticle solutions. Additionally, RadianVPD offers a high-speed system for on-wafer contamination analysis, suitable for both production and research environments.
Featured Application Notes
Multielement Nanoparticle Analysis of Semiconductor Process Chemicals Using spICP-QQQ
Technologies such as smartphones, cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and development of autonomous vehicles continue to drive demand for semiconductor products. To meet the requirements for higher integrated circuit (IC) performance and improved device yield, contamination must be controlled in the wafer substrate and on the surface of the device during fabrication.
Analysis of Photo Acid Generator Leaching (PAG leaching) in Photoresist using Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC/6546 Q-TOF MS
Lithography plays a crucial role in semiconductor fabrication. Line width limitations and accuracy determine the overall chip reliability, the degree to which components can be integrated, and costs of integrated circuits. Besides lithography machines, the property of photoresist is key to precision and yield rate. The cost of photoresist accounts for about 35% of the entire cost of IC fabrication.