Helping scientists to discover new therapeutics faster

Helping scientists to discover new therapeutics faster

Agilent’s open access MassHunter Walkup software provides medicinal chemists and biologists with easy access to leading-edge LC/MS, TOF and Q-TOF data. Agilent’s open access MassHunter Walkup software provides medicinal chemists and biologists with easy access to leading-edge LC/MS, TOF and Q-TOF data.

Today’s sophisticated LC/MS technologies give you new levels of sensitivity that can dramatically improve your understanding of a small molecule drug or biotherapeutic.

Easy access to these complex technologies can be the key to faster drug discovery.

Whether you are a medicinal chemist or a biologist, Agilent’s open access Mass Hunter Walkup software enables you to leverage leading-edge LC/MS, TOF, and Q-TOF data, which can make a profound difference in understanding the viability of a new drug candidate.

This easy-to-manage platform frees you to focus on what you do best.

Hear users talk about their experiences with MassHunter Walkup software in these webinars: