
September 28, 2017

Over the past month, Agilent employees and customers have faced devastating back to back hurricanes in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, and two major earthquakes near Mexico City.

The safety and security of our employees is our top priority. Beyond that Agilent and our employees have participated in relief efforts, along with organizations such as the Red Cross, United Way International and individual volunteers.

Highlights of actions we have taken:

Cash to Relief Agencies

  • Agilent Technologies Foundation contributed $100k USD to the Red Cross, with funds designated to each of the areas hit by disaster.
  • Agilent employees have personally donated $20k USD to relief in specific disasters and a total of $60k for the Red Cross general fund. All will be matched dollar for dollar by the Agilent Technologies Foundation.

Employees Pitch In

  • Agilent's volunteer time off policy (VTO), allows paid time off of four hours per month or a collective one week off per year to volunteer. Employees who want to support relief efforts are taking advantage of the policy. We do not have official records of hours volunteered specifically for disasters at this time.
  • In Mexico City, employees divided up Agilent work to allow others to volunteer in the aftermath of the earthquake, performing rescue operations, dispensing food, medicine and water and helping to connect earthquake victims with loved ones.
  • Employees are working to gather needed supplies for Red Cross to distribute in the disaster zones.

Agilent support of employees

  • Paid time off for employees who were dealing with lost property or could not get to work due to effects of disaster/s.
  • Regular communications via cell phone for those who have voluntarily signed up to company emergency communications system, Everbridge
  • In the US, United Healthcare provided free medical care for non-emergency illnesses and injuries
  • In Puerto Rico, where electrical and communications infrastructure was badly damaged, Agilent sent employees rescue kits, delivered personally to each employee by G4S, Agilent's contract security team. The kits include gifts of cash for food, water, gas, satellite phones, programmed with SIM cards and lists of local resources.
  • We have established a webpage to keep employees up to date on resources available during a disaster.