Agilent's Pathology Milestones
- Launch of Dako Omnis
Dako Omnis is an advanced staining solution designed to meet the needs of the high volume pathology lab that runs both IHC and ISH slides.
- Dako is aquired by Agilent Technologies
The total consideration for the transaction is DKK 12.8 billion.
- Dako launches HER2 CISH pharmDx Kit
The HER2 CISH pharmDx Kit makes companion diagnostics available to all types of pathology laboratories by providing this new breast cancer test for bright field microscopy.
- Dako receives FDA approval for HercepTest and HER2 FISH pharmDx for stomach cancer
This FDA approval clears the way for launch of the product in USA. Dako is the first company to receive FDA approval for a HER2 test for stomach cancer.
- Dako launches the CoverStainer
The CoverStainer is Dako’s state-of-the-art H&E solution that fully automates every step of the hematoxylin and eosin staining process. With this launch Dako ventures into the area of primary staining.
- Dako opens Sales Office in Shanghai, China
- Dako opens Sales Office in São Paulo, Brazil
- Beckman Coulter buys Dako’s Flow Business Unit
Dako’s Flow Business Unit in Colorado, USA has been sold to Beckman Coulter. Thereby Dako’s focus on anatomic pathology, tissue-based cancer diagnostics and reagents for flow cytometry is strengthened.
- Dako is acquired by private equity fond EQT
Private equity fund EQT V (“EQT”) signed a definitive agreement to acquire 100% of Dako. The total consideration for the transaction is DKK 7.25 billion.
- Dako launches Dako Link - Integrated Workflow Solutions
Never before has Dako launched so many important products at one time. The Dako Link solution offers software, instruments, reagents and connectivity options customized to meet the needs of any pathology laboratory. Dako Link substantially improves cost efficiency and turnaround time in the lab by linking together the entire workflow.
- Dako launches ACIS III
Dako launches the newest addition to our growing portfolio of automated platforms, ACIS III. With a new sophistication, ACIS III is enhancing the lab’s workflow to include advanced image analysis benefits in a simple manner. Pathologists now have the capability to improve their workflow, turnaround time, and experience cost savings.
- Dako's Microbiology business sold
The sale of the microbiology activities to Oxoid is part of Dako’s strengthened focus on anatomic pathology. Dako’s microbiology range will gradually be rebranded as Oxoid and products should be ordered via Oxoid.
- Change of name
The company changes its name from DakoCytomation A/S to Dako A/S.
- Microbiology up for sale
DakoCytomation sharpens its focus on cancer diagnostics by putting its Microbiology activities up for sale.
- Agreement on image analysis
DakoCytomation enters an agreement with Clarient Inc. on the further development and sale of its ACIS instruments, which are used for image analysis. The agreement is part of Dako’s strategy to automate more areas of the workflow in the pathology laboratory and to offer more integrated systems to the market for cancer diagnostics.
- Acquires instrument business
DakoCytomation acquires the Artisan instrument business from CytoLogix Inc. Artisan is a state-of-the-art tissue staining instrument.
- Merges with bioinstrumentation company Cytomation and becomes DakoCytomation
Dako, the world-leading producer of cancer diagnostic reagents, merges with the Fort Collins-based bioinstrumentation company Cytomation Inc. The purpose of the merger is for the two companies to utilize their common competencies to further strengthen their position in the fast-growing market segments of the in vitro diagnostics industry. Cytomation was originally founded in 1988 in Colorado by one American and three Australian scientists who were convinced that the industry-standard flow cytometer could do a better job.
- Sells Boston Probes
Dako sells Boston Probes Inc. to Applied Biosystems Inc.
- Launch of HercepTest
The joint approval of Herceptin (Genentech) and HercepTest (Dako's pharmDx test) was the first example in history of a pharmaceutical product directly linked to a specific test.
- Launch of Dako's first Autostainer
AutostainerLink 48 is Dako's latest addition to the DakoLink solution for immunohistochemistry.
- Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk A/S invests in DAKO
- Acquires Novo Nordisk Diagnostics
DAKO acquires Novo Nordisk Diagnostics (activities in microbiology) in Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- DAKOPATTS changes name to DAKO
- Establishes subsidiaries
In the 1980s DAKOPATTS establishes more sales subsidiaries around the world.
- Enters the United States of America
DAKOPATTS Corporation is founded in the USA.
- Founded in Denmark
Niels Harboe founded DAKOPATTS.